
Are you scared for the future?

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Are you scared for the future?




  1. Not really, I've lived through having 10,000 nuclear weapons pointed at me.  That was serious business.  

    This stuff nowadays?  Boo hoo, the world isn't going to be EXACTLY like it was last year.  It'll change, always does, 75% of the time it changes for the better and this will be no exception.  Imagine being dependent on no one but ourselves for the lifestyle we enjoy, terrorists not required?

    It hurts right now because most folks weren't paying attention to certain rather obvious things.  And as a result they didn't see it coming and didn't prepare.  World trade -> world prosperity -> more demand for oil -> demand overtaking supply -> "peak oil"-like conditions.  

    See, you could've seen that one coming if you were looking around.   You didn't, nbd, just don't get fooled again.

  2. If I lived in the MidWest I'd be really worried!

  3. Yes.....

    will we have water?

    will we have food?

    will we still have a war?

    will our economy get better?

    will more jobs be lost?

    how many more economic stimulas packages are comming?

    Is China going to be more powerfull then america/???

  4. I don't think of the future.

    It's here soon enough.

  5. Yes.

    will we have enough water supply for the next generation? If there is, will the water for the next generation be clean?

    where will the 10 billion ++ live in the next generation?

    will 95% of all animal species in the world DIE because of climate change?

    will we have any more ice in Antartica in the future? will there be such thing as penguins or polar bears? or these 2 animals will end up in history books?

    when will global warming stop?

    will humans ever act?

    will humans ever invent ways to reverse the effects of global warming?

    will human beings ever find alternative resources?

    will gas prices go up to more than $200/per barrel?

    there are tons of questions yet to be answered....

    let's just hope for the best and ACT NOW.

  6. Not scared so much, just sad that we've whooped it up for the last forty or fifty years, been on a consumerist binge, had our holidays and cars and dvd players and game stations and left such a mess behind us. It is a catastrophe for the world's poor who are facing climate change and food shortages, and a  catastrophe for our children and grandchildren, most of whom will read about our lifestyle in history books as they struggle in a world where food is expensive, energy a luxury and nice cars and foreign holidays just a memory.

  7. Yes we are doomed. If global warming doesnt kill us then the steady rise in fossil fuel price will destroy our economy. There is no hope for the future the planet has passed its ability to support the people on it and the problem cant be fixed short of a major kill off of humans.

  8. if youve seen al gores global warming movie youd be retarded not to be.

  9. No, we are not afraid.  That's because if something is causing us fear, we meet it head on, address it, and solve it.

    Do we believe that food prices will continue to rise, and there will be food shortages even in the U.S.?  Yes we do.  That's why we live on a permaculture farm, and produce most of our own food.

    Do we believe that it will be a problem (like it's not already!) for the average person to afford fuel, like gas, or heating oil?  Yes, we do...that's why we can grow our own fuel, either rapeseed for biodesiel, or wood, for wood stove heat (and a way to cook).

    Do we think fresh drinking water is going to be a bigger problem in the future?  Yes, that's why we are moving back to the Pacific Northwest, and will have our own well water, and rainwater harvesting systems, AND ways to purify our own water.

    Do we think the cost of energy is going to continue to rise?  Yes we do, that's why our farm will be producing most or all of it's own power, so we don't have to worry about being able to pay power bills, or surviving some power grid meltdown.

    Do we believe the U.S. is going to become more, and more dependant on food from other countries, which will be providing very sub-par foods, even toxic foods to us?  Yes we sure do!  That's why we grow our own, and store our own food, even for the livestock, and cats and dogs.

    Do we believe Social Security will be around for us when we retire.  Possibly.  Will it be enough?  Not even close.  That's why we live debt free, and paying off the mortgage is such a high priority for us (along with producing our own food, heat and power).

    Do we believe TV is bad for the brain?  Yup, that's why we cancelled our cable TV a few years ago.

    Do we believe the most important "thing" is family, and people in the U.S.A. have become far too "yo-me" in their thinking?  Yes we certainly do...that's why we will be living multi-generationally in one house.

    Do we believe there will be more terrorist attacks on the U.S., which will cause serrious economic impact?  Yup, without question.  That's why we want to pay off our mortgage, produce our own food, heat, power, and all be self employed.  We are all working toward being self employed, via the farm, in jobs that survive even harsh economic downturns.

    Are we horrified by the apathy, and general lack of kowledge about the natural world?  Yup, that's why our personal library continues to grow, and continues to provide us with an ongoing and amazing education.

    We don't like to live in fear.  If something worries us, or makes us fearful, we address it, and solve it.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  10. as a matter f fact I am. we have to do something about gasoline.  we REALLY do, we can't live like this anymore.

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