
Are you scared of death?

by Guest56776  |  earlier

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What do you think happens after you die?




  1. Utterly petrified, thanks for asking

  2. No. I'm not scared

    the only mystery left in life is what happens after.

  3. I'm not scared of death, I'm scared of what's going to happen after my death.

    I don't know what will happen after I die - that's the exact cause of my fear, I fear the unknown.

  4. I have had experiences, that can only mean their is something after you die. But I still question myself and yes I am scared how I die and what happens afterwards.

  5. no. i am not scared of death. i am scared for the people in what used to be my life. i am scared as to what they would do in their grief of my death. most of the time, when a relative dies, i am the super glue of the family... when they are falling apart, i HAVE to keep the pieces together, or we all fall apart, and i cannot allow that. i cant imagine what it would be like when the super glue runs out, and the glass shatters...

    as for what happens afterward, i only have theorys and hopes for it... i think that as we go through life (i am attempting to exclude religion, so as not to offend anyone) we gather a sense of what we would deem as heaven. a wonderful place or feeling that is where we would love to be for the rest of our lives... i also think there is a h**l... i think, that just as we would with a heaven, we would make a h**l, for ourselves, the worst places or feelings or thoughts we can imagine. i think, that to go to either of these places, you would judge yourself, with nothing biasing you, just 'did this person do good or bad', and 'does this person deserve heaven or h**l' i dont think there is any one thing or person saying you did this so you go here, i think it is about how you view yourself and how you came to the conclusions to do what you did. personally, i dont care where i go, as long as i know my loved ones are safe.

    good question, and i hope you have a wonderful day!!!


  6. No as I accept that it will happen

  7. Yes i am, it gets scarey when you actually say to yourself "Some day YOU ARE going to die".

    Cause I'd never thought about it until i said it and really thought about it.

    Also, I'm claustrophobic so i don't like the idea of being buied and i dont like the idea of being burned as it reminds me of h**l (even though i dont beileve in it, but still).

  8. I am not.

    i like to see the better in life.

    death, it's just part of life, fearing and fighting it will do nothing.

    I believe that this one life that we are living is the only one we have.

    I may be wrong, but who am i to say what happens after death? I who have not yet died. Everyone's opinion is different; This is mine.

  9. I'm scared of dieing.

    When you are dead, it makes worms happy, there is no afterlife, youre done.

  10. Get recarnated and come back as someone else :)

  11. I have a real irrational fear of death. Since a close friend of mine died 2 years ago I have become quite paranoid. She was very young and her death was unexpected. I think that is what is scary about death, it can affect anyone at anytime. I like to think that our loved ones are waiting to greet us when we die.

  12. Not afraid of dieing, but do not want to die in pain, or alone.

    What happens? Not sure about the afterlife...but that which makes up me returns to nature, whether I'm cremated or buried...we go back to the earth!

  13. Hello Yoyo,

    No I'm not,life is now, death is ?

    Hmmmm interesting question. On my part I have to say that I'm a free thinker thus religious beliefs of the afterlife are not something I have to subscribe to. Still I have two prevailing ideas on what happens after death- 1)some sort of heaven where there is joy, peace and love 2)a sinking into a state of oblivion and nothingness to rest our wearied souls.

    Please enjoy today...........please.

  14. No

    i don't know what happens after you are dead and i don't care.

  15. Not any more. After my father died in 1994 I began to lose my fear of dying.

    My mother died last year and even though I will miss her I just know that she is somewhere with dad.

    Some day I'll be there too.

  16. I don't know... That's just what scares me the most.  The mere thought makes me feel like my skin is on fire, feelng sick to my stomach and scared to sleep in the not knowing of what we meet or see when we die.  It's been a huge fear of mine for years.

  17. Speaking honestly, no I am not. I experience an OBE some time back and it drastically changed my outlook on life, which to me is now more beautiful than ever. Why should we be afraid of something that we have no control over, we should enojoy the time that we have here on this earth :)

  18. I'm not scared of death, because it is totally pointless to be scared.  I have no idea what will happen after I die, but I think probably nothing will!  There is no point in worrying about dying, as it will happen regardless.  Just hope that when you do go you are a good age, have lived life to the full and do not die painfully.  I'm hoping to slip away during a nice sleep.

    If there is any sort of afterlife, then I hope there is a KFC, Sky + and I can still enrol on OU courses lol.

  19. you have never not existed, what makes you think you ever won't, I simply can't undersand peoples notions that your just going to die and dissapear... I respect everyones idea's about the afterlife, but to me...what you think will happen, is what will happen :) so use your imagination, it can sure be fun!

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