
Are you scared of homeless people?

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Are you scared of homeless people?




  1. I am not afraid but I am leery of them.

  2. Yes.

  3. No. Call them home free. It sounds better.

  4. yeah sometimes

  5. nope, unless they glare at me or something that i would be afraid if anybody else did..

  6. No.  I have no reason to be afraid of a person who does not have an address.  Unless ofcourse he is packing a gun.

  7. Yes. But I don't wanna be like that. Its probably the way they appear.

  8. no, i'm scared of being a homeless

  9. Depends, I just came back from a city with a lot of homeless people, and where I live they don't have very many of homeless people. Though while I was on my trip, there was at least one person who scared me half to death because he was following me and cursing and it kinda scared me, but otherwise, there were a few nice homeless people, there is no reason to be afraid unless they are or seem to be dangerous

  10. no. i love hobos.

  11. I am somewhat scared of knowing there are so many in this country. There but for the grace of God go I.

    It scares me that we have no adequate system to see that no one stays homeless.

  12. No, but they make me feel akward because I hate it when they ask for money.  I don't carry any cash anymore  and there have been times when I gave money when I did have money.  But now I have to say no and I feel like they think I'm lying

    Now if I was in a dark alley by myself homeless guy or not I will feel uneasy.

  13. I'm intimidated, because you dont know if they have a mental sickness and push you into the subway train tracks like that other guy was O_O!

  14. yes i really am

  15. Most of the homeless people I've come across on the street have been rather odd, or aggressive. I'm leery.

       I have a friend named Rainbow who's homeless. He's really nice. I don't know much about his background story, but whenever I see him, I wave and we talk for a bit.

            A lot of homeless have mental disorders. Schizophrenia is prevalent. Schizophrenic's can really do anything depending on their illness, at any moment. I stay very aware of this.

  16. Yes,but I dunno why

  17. you should be... unless you like being stabbed, robbed and picking up mange.... no, i dont hate them, but I cant say I dont know how dangerous they can be.

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