
Are you scared of spiders and if so, what is it about spiders that frightens you.?

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Im a bit scared of spiders, I wouldnt try and get rid of one because Id be too scared to go near it and pick it up, even in a tissue, but Im not sure of why Im scared of them... strange eh?




  1. I'm scared of bugs, anything that crawls or flies I run in the opposite direction. Had one of my coworkers joking that I can let a small thing ran me out of my house. Almost gave my cousin a heart attack when he had come visiting when I saw a bug and screamt at the top of my lungs!

  2. SAME! I'm so scared of them, if  see a spider at night i literally can't sleep unless i know it's not going near me! I dunno what it is about them that scare me, i guess it's just the fact that you can get poisonous spiders which can kill in about 5 seconds!

  3. I'm pretty scared of them, but I have a healthy fear of them, it isn't an exaggerated phobia or anything. I could put one in a mug and throw it outside depending on the creepiness of it.

    I often hear things like "the reason why people are scared of spiders is because they don't know allot about them, and people are scared of what they don't know", I think that's false. People don't know about allot of animals that doesn't mean they get shivers down their spin when they see them. I don't know allot about ants, I'm not scared of them...

    The obvious reason is that it is a survival mechanism. Just as it is a survival mechanism with snakes. Hominids have had experience with these things for the ages, and being scared of a spider or snake is in our genetic memory.

    The reason we will be scared of ALL spiders and not just the poisonous ones is because all spiders look like spiders and it would be impossible to know which ones are poisonous and which ones are not (considering you don't know which ones are and you don't study them and your in the wild). So for safeties sake, we are scared of all of them.

    Some people just have unhealthy fears of them, which I think is an advantage in nature. phobias such as fear of dogs etc (you know those wiered stupid phobias you get) would sometimes be a huge advantage in the wild, but in our society... we don't need these things.

  4. They're small and move quickly and unpredictably...I don't like anything that could, in theory, crawl inside my nose/ears/mouth/any other hole it might somehow gain access to while I wasn't looking. Plus they're gross looking. Psychologically, we tend to like people who bear some sort of resemblance to ourselves (and pets, too - hence the saying that dogs look like their owners - it's because we choose creatures that remind us of ourselves in some way!) so maybe we hate spiders and other creepy-crawlies because they are so very different to the way humans look?

  5. I am the same way. I still don't know why though. I usually spray them with window cleaner or something similar.

  6. spiders don't bother me but i have friends that are because they have more eyes and more legs, to me, that doesn't make them scary, it makes them kinda' cool

  7. I'm not afraid of them but wouldn't want one crawling all over me. I think we are scared because they have all those legs and can run like the clappers.

    We really shouldn't kill them as they do lots of good. I live in a rural area surrounded by farmland and woods with the result there are lots of crawling things trying to live in my house. Spiders kill and eat them so I am quite happy to share my home with a few spiders as long as they stay out of the bedroom

    I have this nightmare that it could pop in my mouth or ear.

    Another thing is that they are more afraid of us than we are of them.  

  8. i am scared of them to its just the thought of having them crawl all over you  freaks me out i just kill them with a shoe or somthing :Lx

  9. I used to be really scared of spiders when i was younger but i am not so bad now i am older. I hate the way they look and move around. For me i think it was when i was going to bed one night (I was only 5 years old) and there was a big hairy spider on my pillow. My parents had to change the bedding and eventually move house cos i would not go to bed i just screamed.

    As for getting rid of them i use a trainer (either on or off my foot) to kill them then i get some kitchen paper and pick it up to throw it in the bin.

  10. omg i know girl i am scared too spiders creep me put i think its becasae there sized small oh and they crept crawl about but i am scared too of picking up i did only twice so scary flush down the toliet omg lol

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