
Are you seeing a growing trend in cries for extra taxes and donations ??

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I can't help but notice that since funding the war in Iraq (now at ($600,000,000,000.00), that there are more and more pleas to American citizens to provide donations to many causes that I believe we already pay taxes to fund. Examples: natural disaters, the fight on poverty, cancer and other health needs. Since studying how many TIMES a dollar we earn is actually taxed, I believe we have the responsibility to request more be done in the areas of tragedies, medical research, health care and the war on poverty here in America. I am interested in other views on this topic. I already vote and sign petitions. How else can we make our voices heard? Do people out there see the issues I mention?




  1. Email City Hall.


    Billion Faxes to DC & City Hall.

    In LA CA, City Hall is boosting pay 23% for cityworkers BUT we have the worst Services anyplace for a City

    I tire of Taxes & donations to fake causes.

    Esp taxes.


    Send 1B emails to City Hall

    Flood phone bank

    Do papparazi on politicos.

    Protests in front of office, home.



    ID supporters & barrage them with emails, faxes & phones.

    Clog the System UP.

    Foirce the Issue.

    Make them respond.

  2. I disagree.  The federal government is involved in way to many social things.  The government is supposed to follow the US Constitution.  Social programs should not be the function of government.

    Natural disaster repairs are not the responsibility of government.  Just the infrastructure that gets damaged.

    Individuals may fell inspired to contribute their individual wealth.  That is a good things.

    Using government to steal money from me, to give to someone else is not a good thing.

  3. These kinds of fundraising driives have always been around.  maybe you're just noticing them more.  But it's also true that the spening on the war makes it harder for the government to afford other priorities.  President Bush recently acknowledged this when he vetoed the Children's Health Care bill.

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