
Are you seeing any Quail?

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All the pairs I was seeing early this year are coming back out but I am not seeing any chicks.




  1. I see Quail all the time!

    (It's my family name!)

    The only quail (note lower case - he-he) I've seen lately are at a pay to hunt farm at Lafe, Arkansas. Well, that and the ones that have been becoming more and more common in my grocers freezer case!

  2. In southern Suffolk Va. yesterday I saw a few on the edge of a bean field, I was looking for deer near the wood line and noticed the quail. Pheasant are making an appearance as well as Chukar. 2 weeks ago I saw 4 turkeys near the same bean field but on the other side of the road.  

  3. not here

  4. here in GA they are rare in some spots. i have never seen one.

    i bet because the daily limit is 12 a person a day. so when they start to come back they end up going away again. even if i saw one i wouldn't shoot it knowing how they are doing.

    edit: i should add the the d.n.r are takeing big steps to try to bring them back, but they need to change the limit to like 5 a day or something. 12 is way to many.

  5. I see a lot here in AZ but it seems mostly in urban areas. There was/is actually a whole family with hatchlings living near where I work (I work in a refurbished carriage house from the 1920's thats used as an office). Seriously, the semi-adult chicks would come to the back door and were either attacking there reflection or trying go through the glass. We could watch them and they never noticed us. But this is in the middle of Phoenix so I couldn't shoot them and really had no desire to. It's kinda like when you have a family of ducks and ducklings living in your backyard like I did back in Chicago before I moved to the desert.

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