
Are you setting a bad example when you let your poem be punk (uationless)?

by  |  earlier

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I stop the pump

then run and jump

and wait for

Dynomite blowing

I hit the stump

with bang and bump

and now, I want

it exploding

The frikken thing

cut down last spring

a tree

for fireplace burning

And with a boom

in fire consumed

The remnants of

Oaken fury





  1. What I find very often is that IM text is used to write stories and poetry -- and that will never last.

    I think your question is excellent, and the answer is yes.

    I like your poem, which is the one that proves the rules wrong.


  2. No not at all

  3. oh thank you, this was like a gemstone that can never be cut because it is so facet-nating! nice mix of the silly and sullen, the profound and profane. Do you have more?

  4. hmm.. interesting poem...

    i cant really see what it's about though

  5. Absotively


    a bad


  6. No, punk is a style and poetry is anything =) nothing is wrong

  7. As far as I can tell no punk would would probably make my life really is not seemly to obsess over commas and worries ones children.

  8. nope. poetry is poetry

  9. Punctuation should be used only when the artist feels it should be used.

  10. I think you are missing the point.

  11. you maverick you

    Yep I set a bad eg aiight.

    You get more punk for your punct if you are punctless. But I do concede punking a poem is just like "pimping a ride". Makes it look purdier!

    Hey Ed

    Pimp ma pome

    Crimp ma style

    Prime ma paper

    Woteva you wont son

    I aint fussin none

    Unpunct is raw

    and keepin it

    real dude

    'ats wots for


    I'm a big fan of punctlessness. I only punct so the editors will view kindly.

  12. Nothing is a "bad example" if it is an expression from a soul.  How can that be bad? Punctuation, however, allows for ease of reading and full understanding of what is conveyed to a 'larger audience.'  Depends on who you are writing for, someone looking for a song, your buds on the corner, or the general population, publishers, others poets, etc.

    Expression comes from the individual, raw and open and fresh and new and foreign and inviting and exciting and all things wild and young.  Punctuation allows us to express what we have inside us with the same passion, the same breathing in which we feel it.

    Poetry is meant to be soul communicating with soul.  

    I love your example by the way because your structure overcame the need for punctuation.  The structure itself allowed for the "breathing" in the communication.

  13. "Hi!",

    an explosive liitle poem.

    This part here I don't think flows smoothly.

    The frikken thing

    cut down last spring

    a tree

    for fireplace burning

    but I'm no poet. Only my opinion.

    Cheers : )

  14. Of course you are, that's the whole point in doing it. Creating what you want to create, for the sake of creation... That's a pretty scary notion for a government, or anyone to deal with, right?

  15. Cheeky me!

    Are you setting a bad example

    When you spell


    as you do?

    Unless, once again,

    It's a case of American


    In choosing to spell

    Anyway you feel

    'What the h**l.

    It's only words

    After all'

    Don't get me for this...I can't help myself....I go around carrying a felt-tipped pen to correct badly spelled notices in Doctors' waiting rooms and shops! I'm lying - but, I would love to do so.  My local supermarket has a PRINTED sign saying "Unfortunatley we cannot accept cheques for payments under £10"  I had to tell the assistant it was incorrect....why did I bother? Every week I see the drives me mad.

    Great poem....don't miss punctuation one little bit.

  16. I love it when you do this. I will die from jealousy.

  17. No, no meter, rhyming off

  18. that was cooool Jellz!!

    (hands TD marshmallows)

  19. The HUGE old oak came down at our cottage (tranquility photo) right between the dinner bell (3 feet from the house) and the trailer (8 feet from the house). Hit twice by lightning, only half of it lived, but a miracle still, that it  fell where it did.

    We can "enjoy" the place til the end of September, after that I'll just have my photos for rememberance.....

    *EDIT: I think the poem is magnificent...My Uncle asked:"What do you want from the place?" Mt first thought was the fireplace....not do-able, so I'm bringning back one of the first ever (late 50's) light-up, sound effects photos of a deer at a stream...It's totally cool, man.

  20. To be extraordinary, you have to write different from the ordinary.

  21. All the best writers break the rules.......because rules are meant to be broken (in writing, at keeps it interesting).  Humbly, I would change one word in your fantastic poem.......("frikken"......should be "friggin" ) LOL!!

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