
Are you shocked and sad that Katie Hoff was "out touched" by the British swimmer in the 400 freestyle?

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Katie Hoff was well out in the lead by at least half a body length then all of a sudden, in the last 10 meters or so, the British swimmer Adlington out-touched her.




  1. Not really as she had just qualified for another event one hour before the final (backstroke I think), she had a huge lead but also remember she is trying to medal in 5 total events in these Olympics, as sad as it was to see her lose her first individual Olympic Gold Medal let's just hope she can forget about the disappointing loss and focus on winning the rest of her events.

  2. Yeah, I thought she had it.  It was so close.  She was so disappointed because she was so close but winning the Silver is awesome.  Out of all the swimmers in the world she made it to the Olympics and got a medal.  She should be so proud of herself because I am proud of her.  Go USA.

  3. There has been a lot of hype about Katie Hoff being the female Michael Phelps and she just isn't that caliber of swimmer.  She will not be taking home tons of gold like Michael, she just isn't on the same level and should never have been compared to Michael Phelps whose ability is so much more than hers.  She is a great swimmer and will be coming home with more medals but no I was not shocked, the competitive field is deep and few swimmers are head and shoulders above the field in even one event and Michael is in many.  I did feel really sad for her though, she doesn't get run down like that often.  I had heard that many  US swimmers were battling the flu, don't know if she is one of them.

  4. These things happen. That evened out the gold that the relay team won when Lezak outtouched Bernard. The only thing shocking is that Hoff won any medal at all. She has now underperformed for the second straight Olympics. She' no Michael Phelps.

  5. yeah!! it is a shame how much i get into the game because my stomach fell when she was out touched. And her facial expression? i felt so sad but she is going to get a gold, she's awesome!

  6. I'm not shocked that she was 'out-touched' because this is the Olympics and this stage brings the best out of the athletes.

    I AM shocked that she was 'out-touched' because she had such a commanding lead at the 300 mark and still at the 350 meter mark and this is one of her better events. I still have no idea how she lost that.

    Great question...great race!

  7. yes, the gold should've been hers.

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