
Are you shocked to see the conmen rushing to defend why Russia should not be taken down?

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why do the Bush loving con men love commies?




  1. Georgia attacked first, Russia had the right to retaliate and do it wuickly and efficiently, not drag it out like Bush did with Iraq, a surprise and purposeless invasion. If we can get away with Iraq, why can't Russia handle their own problems and fight a legitimate battle?

  2. "Take down" Russia?? Sheesh. Almost no one on YA answers is fully informed about this. For example did you know that the real struggle in that part of the world is over oil, and control of the Caspian Sea?

    If you really want to ask informed questions about Russia's actions, read this:

  3. Excuse me?

    I have virtually no opinion on President Bush.

    I do support Russia against this crazy disinformation and propaganda campaign everyone seems to be buying into.  

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