
Are you sick and tired of being called a racist because you wont vote Democrat?

by  |  earlier

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I didnt vote for Kerry and he wasnt black!




  1. We are all a little racist  to some extent, but with the way things are now we can only be half racist if obama wins, and to be honest i was some what upset at first but now iam not so sure i was right. but lets not all jump on the love train yet and lets see how this plays out. i just hope some dumb *** does not do something to anyone and lets see how this plays out !i hope by now the race card is in the past for the most part and let the people decide, so get off your butts and do your part.or shut up!!

  2. Yes, I am.

  3. I don't get the question. Democrat isn't a race. Or a branch of the military for that matter.

  4. I'm english and who cares. I mean half you guys voted for busch, that's worse than being a racist.

  5. As Russel Peters once said "White people are so scared of being racist"

    Basically there's white democrats who are saying "OOOO you a racist cuz you didn't vote Obama"

    I don't care that the guys black, democrats are just stupid since they think that they can rip up NAFTA because it's not going their way. If democrats are voted into office I would highly recommend that Russia gets it's silos ready (That's if Canada doesn't beat em to it)

  6. This isn't a military question and Obama is half black and half white, so who is calling you a racist and who set this standard: Eskimos? Latinos? Albinos? And who cares?

  7. VOTE for John McCain for President!

  8. Liberals love free speech and thought, but only if they agree with what is being said...

  9. Nope i'm tired of hearing MCcain and Obama ***** over and over and over again about who said this and who said about not being focused on the prize...i think d**k Chaney and Nancy Pelosi should be put in the room with the presidential candidates and blindfold given i shot gun,spun around 10 times and told to shoot till they hit someone...then that's how we'll choose a winner because both of them flip flop and talk about each other nobody talking about the facts

  10. You seem to have escaped from the Elections sub category.  Please return to that mad house posthaste.  

  11. How is this a military question?  

  12. well we only know one thing for sure, if obama wins it sure aint going to be called the White House

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