
Are you sick of hillary saying " it should be me?" or "it will be me?"?

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does this clue you in about what her priorities are??




  1. Yes she is a big time cry baby.I sure don't want to see her face everyday on t.v and her catcher's face husband wallking and talking on the news..yuk!!! plz not again people!Anyone but her!

  2. I'm sick of Hillary period.

  3. yes

  4. im sick of Hillary in general, i live in NY and have had to deal with her for too long.

  5. It doesn't bother me.  When you're running for president you have to keep an upbeat attitude, you have to keep telling your supporters that you're winning, even though the numbers don't support that idea.

    I remember seeing Mitt Romney after that last primary (I forget which state it was, it might have been Super Tuesday). He had lost big-time but he appeared before a cheering crowd of supporters and told them 'We're gonna win this thing!  Wait and see! The numbers are going to turn around!'  Two or three hours later he 'suspended' his campaign.

    All the Republican leaders from now until the election will insist whenever asked that the Republicans are going to hold onto the White House.  They will show up on TV pundit shows and interview shows just for this very purpose, to reassure Republican voters that the Democrats are not going to take over.  They're -wrong-, but that's how you do it in politics.

  6. yes I'm tired of hearing that.. I'd like to hear more about what exactly she will do for me/us ??

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