
Are you sick of mad, aggressive drivers?

by  |  earlier

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I was driving home just now and went to go round a round-about. I was on the inside lane and there was a car on the outside lane who cut me up and I had to put my brakes on. I wasn't going fast and didn't beep my horn but she realised what she had done and put her hand up to apologise. So, short, sweet and over with without any aggression or hand gestures apart from a polite one. So what's my problem I hear you ask. Well, the woman who was in the car behind me then beeped her horn at me! She obviously nearly went in to the back of me and was mad at me for putting my brakes on and stopping on a roundabout even though I had no choice. Then for the next 5 minutes down the road, well, I've never seen someone flay their arms around so much while driving. She was obviously really mad and was shouting her head off (I could see her mouth going 10 to the dozen) and was making sure I knew that she had a child in the back. Which makes it doubly worse because you'd have thought that her child was her responsibility and she shouldn't have been so close to me in the first place.

I get so sick of people thinking they are good drivers when they definitely are not. What did she want me to do, go in to the back of this other woman?!?!?! God, it makes me so mad. Has anything like this happened to you where you've just been left thinking "what was all that about?"

Sorry for the rant, needed to get that off my chest!




  1. I just let them get on with it.

    After all, they will eventually do it to an unmarked police car and you can have a d**n good laugh!

  2. You will always get them hun,she may not of seen the woman cutting u up and just thought u slammed on your brakes,there are some really bad drivers out there who can cause serious accidents,i know what u mean though no need 2 carry on getting upset 5mins on ...

    Just take a deep breath and dont take it 2 heart xx

  3. Well done for dealing safely with the stupidity of a driver 'overtaking on the nearside of your vehicle', although nice of them to admit they had made a mistake and apologise.  As for the driver behind - a following vehicle should ALWAYS leave a safe following distance just in case the car in front has to brake suddenly!!!  Try not to let them bother you, you will end up being a better driver.  As a proffessional driver I have to deal with many inconsiderate drivers - all day - every day!

  4. I am sick of them, but they are always going to be around no matter what you say or do.

  5. you're right mate try driving a 44 tonne truck with such type nutters about you need a crystal ball just to know their next move investing more in catching these clowns instead of speed cameras i say

  6. Actually slow drivers are dangerous too

    I just do the speed limit, no more and no less

  7. Yes and this is what I will do..............

    Don’t challenge the aggressive driver

    Don’t respond with a counterattack or obscene gestures

    Safely move out of their way

    Avoid eye contact

    Get help from police, if necessary

    FIDO - Forget it and drive on

  8. Quite honestly, I'm sick of people who flat-out just can't drive. Driving is not a god-given right, but a privilege earned by taking a test and proving you know how to operate a motor vehicle. Too many people treat their cars as an extension of their homes. They eat, talk on the phone, play with their kids, dress themselves, put on makeup. all while they should be paying attention to what's going on around them.They drive slow in the passing lane, never use directional signals,generally don't have a clue as to whats going on outside their little cocoon !!!   That's my rant for the day !

  9. Im sick of them too. Really sick that i gave up. I was in a three way intersection and it was the shape of a T and i was going straight and had the right away and there was a woman at the stop sign and she did the unthinkable and pulled out in front of me and i was fed up with people not paying attetion and i hit her @ 30mph. It was sorta bad but im shure she learned her lesson. Its sad when people dont pay attention.

  10. Not only am I sick of mad, aggressive drivers, I'm sick of drivers that shouldn't have a license at all.  The other day I was driving in the right lane of a main road and this guy pulled out in front of me VERY SLOWLY, so I changed lanes and proceeded to go around him.  It wasn't until I was almost around him that he decided to floor it, but wait -- we were less than 1/4 of a mile from a red light when he stomped on the gas.  So I got on my gas and passed him, at which time he proceeded to lock his brakes (even though he was in no danger of hitting me -- I was at least 2 car lengths in front of him when I changed lanes).  Would you believe this @$$ had the gall to roll up on my tail, honk his horn, and throw his hands up as if to say "What the h**l?"   Yeah, I was DEFINITELY thinking to myself "What is this guy's major malfunction?"

  11. My pet peeve is when I'm tailgated for doing the speed limit. I have three kids & I drive carefully when they are in the car.

    You might find this funny.

    I am a very non-violent person as was my best friend. I am quite well built & muscular & my friend was unshaven & rough looking at the time. As I was pulling into a Sainsbury's car park I waited for a car to pull out so I could use the space. I failed to notice there was another free one.  We heard a voice behind yell incredibly loudly, "Silly SOD". Looking around we saw a huge SUV. The driver was irrittated that we caused him to wait as he had seen the free space.

    He parked as did we & we all got out at the same time. When he saw us he went into shock & started mumbling incoherent lame excuses for his outburst. We were two big rough looking guys & here was this very frail & skinny looking man with glasses. He realised he had seriously blown it. We just walked past & chuckled.

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