I was driving home just now and went to go round a round-about. I was on the inside lane and there was a car on the outside lane who cut me up and I had to put my brakes on. I wasn't going fast and didn't beep my horn but she realised what she had done and put her hand up to apologise. So, short, sweet and over with without any aggression or hand gestures apart from a polite one. So what's my problem I hear you ask. Well, the woman who was in the car behind me then beeped her horn at me! She obviously nearly went in to the back of me and was mad at me for putting my brakes on and stopping on a roundabout even though I had no choice. Then for the next 5 minutes down the road, well, I've never seen someone flay their arms around so much while driving. She was obviously really mad and was shouting her head off (I could see her mouth going 10 to the dozen) and was making sure I knew that she had a child in the back. Which makes it doubly worse because you'd have thought that her child was her responsibility and she shouldn't have been so close to me in the first place.
I get so sick of people thinking they are good drivers when they definitely are not. What did she want me to do, go in to the back of this other woman?!?!?! God, it makes me so mad. Has anything like this happened to you where you've just been left thinking "what was all that about?"
Sorry for the rant, needed to get that off my chest!