
Are you sick of older people always talking about the past?

by  |  earlier

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Don't you hate how older people are always talking about what they did when they were kids and always saying today's things are nothing compared to what they had, but then again they always say that they would be appreciative if they had things we have today.

Just want some opinions. (Just in case, I am 13.)




  1. I use to really be ticked about it . . . then later, I thought I might learn something . . . they say if we don't listen history repeats itself . . . how much time does it take to listen anyways - not much.  Hang in there.

  2. no I'm not because one day i & yourself will be talking about that remembering. What old folks had back in the day was appreciation for things they had & most kids today don't appreciate much these days, things are  taken for granted & alot of kids get things handed to them while back then people actually had to work for what they had.

  3. just listen, you might learn something

  4. You are b/c of being very young.  When you get to be closer to their age you'll see why they do it.  Don't sweat it b/c they need to remember their fun days of youth and you'll be doing exactly the same thing and so will the youth after you.

  5. its memories. as you get older sometimes its hard, you remember the good old days. as you grow older you want to remember them and not forget. the world is VERY different than years ago, it really is getting worse. and to remember the good times makes them feel good. you will see i promise you as you get older. just go with it, dont be upset its all they may have.  memories  

  6. I shared your view point when I was a teenager as well.  However, now that I am an adult, I find that the older generations have a wealth of knowledge to pass on to us.  At your age, of course, it's going to be boring.  You'll appreciate it when you get older and start experiencing situations similiar to those you are hearing about in their stories.  

  7. I guess I felt the same as you do know when my mom and nana would talk about the "old" day. but looking back I remember those talks and some of those things are still the same today as they were then, the only thing I don't have my mom nor my nana to tell those stories, and you know what I WISH I DID.  Just listen with a little ear.

  8. are  you jealous that you can talk only in years and not decades??

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