
Are you sick of the whining? Without controversy would the Olympics still be of interest to you?

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Are you sick and tired of all the whining about bias, poor judging, scandals and cheating?

Would the Olympics be as interesting to you without the continuous commentary about cheating and scandals?




  1. I think it's more interesting because those who don't know what they're talking about get me to research things so I actually do understand more.  However, being Chinese-American, Beijing 2008 will be my favorite Olympics for years to come.

    And the whining is silly.  It's either abusing the purpose of Yahoo answers, blindly ignorant that no reliable source agrees with them when they think China is getting helped by poor judging in diving and gymnastics, or both.

  2. Yes, I am sick and tired of it.  It is all c**p

    Two idiots above me just spoke like a typical moron.  Their accusation is like saying the entire American team are steoriods just because Marion Jones did.

    The world will never run out of idiots.

    You know why there are so much drama?  Because it increases rating!

  3. that girl who said chinese were runing it was plain rude.  and yes i am completely sick of it

  4. It's the way they choose to broadcast the Olympics. The media is now firmly in the entertainment business, so of course drama must be created to get people's blood boiling. .Then I see many people here on Y!A simply repeating whatever they've just heard insinuated on TV. It's so easy to manipulate the masses through television and the internet.

    I have the impression that a lot of people enjoying the drama are not real sportsmen. 40 years ago when I played baseball, one time I  made an emotional scene because I thought a call was bad. My Dad was absolutely furious with me. He made me see the face of God and I was ashamed. The point is not whether the call was bad. The point is how you behave yourself in that situation. That's sportsmanship you learn only by actually playing sports.

  5. It would be better without cheating and biased, but that's never going to happen. The Olympics are in  commie country this time.

  6. I watch the Olympics to see honest, fair, above board athletic competition.  What makes the Olympics special, almost magical is when sportsmanship transcends political baloney. When Keri Strug performed the perfect vault on a severely sprained ankle...when a male runner who tore a hamstring during competition finished the race with his father's arms wrapped around him...supporting him across the finish line...when a female competitor from Georgia and a female competitor from Russia embraced each other after the shooting final, even as Russia continued to bomb Georgia...those moments are what the Olympics is all about.

    It saddens me when an individual, or country thinks more about winning than competing with honor. I don't care what flag a competitor represents. A cheater is a thief. A cheater steals the very soul of the Olympic games from the world.  

  7. Olympics are not just about sports. They are a reflection of the real world: people hate each other and want to conquer and rule the others, both on court and off court. It is not about nations or races or genders. Even two women from the same country will ***** about each other from behind. But all you've got to do is to sit beside and enjoy their bitching which may turn out to be interesting at times. Grab your beer and say "cheers!"  

  8. I admit that I feel like I'm constantly searching for the cheese to go with my whine when it comes to gymnastics.  I really think that they should judge  without computers.

    Hey, what about cheating and scandals? We get limited televised events in the U.S. so who did what?

  9. And I think the girl above me is an idiot.

    I mean, seriously, if you look at the London '12 Olympic Logo, it looks like someone giving a blojob.

    Aside from that, let me ask you this.

    Do you see any other country aside from the Americans and the British (even the brits arent that jacka$$) complaining and whining endlessly?

    THat wrestler complained about his bronze medal thing becuz:

    1) It was unfair ruling (no really, it was)

    2) It was his last Olympic, so give him some space.

    The Americans?

    They whine about everything from the Girl singer to the fake tv fireworks to the "underage" gymnastic team to their morning coffee not being the right temperature.

    1) The singers being switched: It's not your business, so stay out of it. China paid for it, China gets to organize it.

    2) The footprint fireworks happend, just not filmed on tv cuz it was too dangerous.

    3) HA! the US gymnastics team got OWND even by UNDERAGE girls.lolol.

    4) Get off the couch and reheat it yourself.

    I mean seriously, NBC is showing the olympics in America THREE d**n HOURS behind. All we get is a "LIVE" sticker slapped onto the screen. Complain about something like THAT instead of how the Chinese are "ruining the Olympics"

    Just because China owned you everyone at getting more gold medals, doesnt mean you have to be all sour grapes about it.

    If America did it, I bet none of you whiny asses out there would make as much as a squeak.

    And dont give me "America isn't stupid enough to do it", your NewYork govenor just got caught last year sleeping around with a bunch of AMERICAN hoes.

    Scandals, lies, cheating?

    China is sure learning fast from you guys eh?

    I think everyone should just shut their holes on opinions until the games are over. It would make the whole thing seem alot better, and everyone could actually enjoy the show without wanting to strangle another person.

  10. i have never been into sports but i will admit i am getting annoyed with all the olympic drama, especially the dude who felt insulted because he wasnt invited to the olympics to see someone beat his actually kind of deters me more...i think the only reason all this drama is happening is cause of the whole issue of where the olympics is taking place (yet again another example of drama)

  11. i didnt even know there was controversy in the Olympics but ive ben watching it for the fast few hours and it is actually a really good show ive never imagined of watching it but its actually a very good show, the swimming, volley ball and the balance beam, and the little dance at the end, and the bar swinging haha its really a good show =]

  12. I very seldom watch tv but watching great athletes compete is enjoyable. I too thought enough is enough, once said-once heard.

  13. I think the Chinese are ruining the Olympics.  I think the 2012 London Olympics will be much better without the drama.....I hope.

  14. Every Olympics always has some kind of controversy

    But these Olympics, people just want to whine over non-issues like a lip syncing girl and make wild accusations. It's so sad that people are so ignorant of history that stuff like seems like a big deal. Save the drama over something worth it!  

  15. just a medal rat races

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