
Are you smart enough to answer these?

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1) Are you dead when your not born yet?

2) When snow melts, what does it become?

3) Why is the color white, white?




  1. no ur not dead ur breathing inside ur mumys tummy

    snow bcomes water

    beacouse people had to invent a clean color

    brigh and that will match everything same with black

  2. 1. Chuck Norris

    2. Chuck Norris

    3. Chuck Norris

    4. Chuck Norris

    5. Nuck Chorris

  3. 1.) No because in order to be dead you're supposed to live first.

    2.) When snow melts, it's Spring.

    3.) The color white is white because if it wasn't white it wouldn't be called white.  

  4. 1) You have to live before you can die. Life is the start of death. Kinda like scales.

    2) spring

    3) White shouldn't be considered a color, because white is the very absence of color, but for arguments sake whit is whit because someone named something without color white.

  5. 1. live to die

    2. liquid

    3. white is the absense of color

  6. 1)no you are actually two 1/2 beings, one half is in the guy and another half in the woman, and all you can do is hope you meet your other half sooner or later.

    2)water, ithink.

    3) because we're to lazy to make it anything other.

  7. yea ur ghost/soul lives on

    water lol spring

    it does not chang it cannot b

  8. 1 - you're instead of your (guess you're not smart enough to ask these)

    2 - water (which it already was in the first place, just in a different phase)

    3 - because that is the only shade of visible spectrum not absorbed by the material in question

  9. YES

    1) No you are living in your mothers womb.

    2)melted snow

    3)because someone named it that.

  10. 1) your not dead when your not born yet because there is a baby forming inside the woumb and it has been alive, that is why it keeps growing and growing meaning it is alive and developing, if it was dead then it wouldnt grow and the doctors would have to take the baby out of the mothers woumb before it rots and eventually kills the mom.

    2) when snow melts it becomes both water and vapor.

    3) it is white because in lightness method all the colors put together make white instead of black. Its just a mix of all colors in light that makes it appear white. that is why when you put a crystle ball in the sun a lot of colors come from it.

    I hope this helps.

  11. Well, yes.

    1) You are not dead, but you're not really living in the sense of the word, either.

    2)Snow becomes water...

    3) It's white because of the way our eyes translate everything.

    Question: When is it appropriate to use you're and your?

  12. 1) No, because you have 2 b dead 2 b alive, so clearly, your don't exist yet!

    2)  Spring!

    3) Because it's 2 shy 2 show it's true color!


    when snow melts, it becomes spring! :D

  14. 1) No. You can't be dead before you even exist at all! Someone who doesn't exist can't die!

    2) Spring!

    3) White?

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