
Are you smart enough to take the Stupis Quiz 2? Come on, it is a easy 10 points!?

by  |  earlier

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1. Decipher this code-8-9 13-15-13!

2. What happened at the end of the novle Halo: Ghosts of Onyx?

3. Who was the 75th president?

4. What is the capatol of London?

5. What is the fifth letter of this sentince?

6.What is the current best video game system on market?

7. What is the area code(s) for Houston, TX?

8.What is the most hated racist group in the U.S. (especialy by black people.)

9. What does WoW stand for?

10. What question number is next?




  1. 1. What am I deciphering? -1

    2. Didn't read it. Never even heard of it.

    3. Franklin D. Roosevelt

    4. London is the capital of England.

    5. i? or s?

    6. PS3 or the Wii

    7. 713

    8. ?

    9. World of Warcraft

    10. TELL ME!

  2. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

    that is hard ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahaaaaaaa...

  3. 1

    2 y should i kno???

    3 ....we didnt have that many presidents

    4 London is a city ......=.=

    5 " i "

    6 Wii followed by PS3

    7 dude thats like over 999999999999999999miles away from me/....

    8 Ku Klux Klan

    9 world of warcraft

    10 " 11 " smarie

    weird and stupid questions

  4. 1.what?

    2. isn't HALO a video game!?!?!

    3.We only have 42 presidents

    4.London is a City!


    6. ?

    7. 713

    8. white people????

    9. world of warcraft?

    10. 11?

  5. none of the questions are correct questions to ask... they r either spelled wrong or just dont exist.. so whats the point of this quiz?

  6. 1. hi mom

    2. you are told the purpose of Onyx

    3. Billy Bob Joe Fred

    4. L

    5. "i"

    6. Wii

    7. 713 & 281

    8. KkK

    9.  warts on witches

    10. 7,863,472,159

  7. 1. No thanks

    2. I really don't care, that's a nerd game/book

    3. Don't know

    4. London is a city, the capital of England!

    5. 'i'

    6. PS3, followed closely by Wii

    7. Don't know, don't care

    8. Ku Klux Klan

    9. World of Warcraft

    10. Number 11

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