
Are you smarter than a fifth grader?

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do you think that they are setting up people to go on there




  1. what? do you mean the new comedy show?

    if so then yes i think that they pay people money to go public t.v. and embarrass themselves.

    if you are asking am i smarter than a fifth grader

    YES I AM

  2. no i think its real  maybe you get all the questions right but i bet lots of ppl out there cant answer some of the 2nd grade questions  think of how different school is now from  years and years ago there learning so much so young  and new thinks are added that were not tought before

  3. not sure, but I do know that a lot of the questions they ask are not for fifth graders, but are for grades much higher than that

  4. ha,ha...I love that show! I'm personally a 5th grader though and I dont know some of the questions they ask !All those 5th graders on that show always get the answer right and each and every one of them always right the same answer!! Im kinda suspicious though..unless they all are really smart.

  5. You think that it's interesting that Jeff Foxworthy is host? Doesn't that remind you of some of his red-neck jokes? Especially the one that says, "If you take your kid to school because you both are in the same grade...."

  6. I am when I can google the question... :)

  7. no, i think its for real

  8. well i can't really remember what they taught us in grade 5 but i usually remember stuff for really long!if u ask me a question i might remember but sometimes i just don't even know what u r talking about!i think that in 5th grade the students learn lots of stuff and they get lots of homework because when they go to middle school it is a big step!

  9. Well i know a girl in FIFTH GRADE and she is realy smarter than i am which is reallly werid(i dont know how to spel this work)and that show is a TOTOL  FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!



  11. I ve never seen that show but I am a Fifth Grader

  12. Yes, of course, do you think the graduate from UCLA forgot what he learned in school? Besides it is a show that also is meant to be funny.

  13. that show is pretty cool

    some people are just soo dumb on there

    i shouldnt be talking



  14. no i dont think theyre setting people up..i think its just testing random people to see how much they know about that stuff.... look at it this way, the 5th graders on the show have just recentlly studied those subjects in the past 4 yrs ..most adults havent read or studied that stuff in several yrs to several decades. Its easy to forget that stuff unless its still fresh in your mind!

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