
Are you smarter than your spouse? How much does intellect matter to you?

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With plenty of couples I've observed the man is significantly more intelligent than the woman, the couple is a couple of idiots or the woman excels in areas where the man does not or the other way around.

Most highly intelligent women (as opposed to above average intelligent women) I know are either unmarried or married to someone who is just as intelligent (in the same way and/or making up for their short comings eg. logical women marrying more emotionally and socially aware men) although highly intelligent men are not necessarily married to intelligent women in my observations.

Have you observed the same situations? Why do you think that is? What about you? How smart do you think you are when compared to your spouse and why, on intellectual basis alone, did you marry this person?




  1. The women i s***w are obviously smart cuz they have s*x with me....

    ADD: NIKKI don't u worry what she says, we all love u

  2. Neither my husband or i are smarter then the other.

  3. Most men are smarter.  Just kidding!!!  How do you know most are smarter, did you give them a IQ test or something?  Or is it you just percieve such to be true.

    I think smart women simply let their husbands feel smart most of the time, just like they want them to be the bread winner.  Its about submission.  Men find it extremely attractive, most men that is.  Women find a strong, hardworking, financially stable, intellectual man extremely attractive.

    Intellect defines such a large area.  You could be very mathematically gifted and not so socially.  You can't just give everyone an intelligence number.  The smartest people in the world are also the most socially retarded, like a lot of autistics.

  4. u sound like an old spinster. no, my husband is smarter than me, this is how i like my men - rich and powerful. and i am not a dumb either - i graduated university and got master degree. i always wanted phd too, but i got bored of studying.

  5. My husband has been a practicing attorney of 35 years and I am a High school grad with a certificate as a paralegal and cosmetologist. We are both very intelligent and we have knowledge to offer each other. I am a woman, but I know how to do basic car maintenance and many types of home repair. He knows more about the law and when we met he helped me with many legal issues that would have taken me a long time and research.  He inspired me to work along side him in his practice because he trusted my ability to learn fast and encouraged me to go back to college part time at age 44.  We are very equal and so different that we compliment each other.

  6. Smarter in what way exactly?  If you're talking about IQ, he and I are about the same (him being 2 pts above mine).  I'm more logical, he's more rational (at least in my opinion).  When it comes to common sense, I beat him hands down but he is more emotionally under control than I am so for us it doesn't matter.  What matters is that we get along great and can communicate our differences in an adult manner.  That's one of the reasons why we married each other.

  7. my hubby and i are both smart . we dont sit and compare who is smarter .in areas i lack he completes and in areas he lacks i complete . that is why we made one instead of two from the day we got married . we fit .

  8. I think that answer depends on how healthy one's self esteem is.  Sometimes you'll find that very intelligent men or women may marry someone who isn't AS intelligent as them but only because they have insecurities and need to be with someone who makes them feel superior or smarter.  Other times, it may have to do with control issues.  But grant it, sometimes, it has nothing to do with either of those things but just fate and the way things turned out.  In my case, I'm somewhat smarter than my husband but only in certain areas.  It's not like I'm hugely intelligent and he's an idiot....there's only a slight difference I'd say.  He'd tell you I'm far smarter than he is but that's just because he's very humble.  He's very intelligent in areas where I don't excel, such as in creativity, certain personal skills, and some analytical skills.  I've always been attracted to very, very intelligent men.  

  9. So basically you have concluded

    A) some women marry men who are smarter than them

    B) some women marry men who are dumber than them

    C) some women marry men who are of the same intellect


    A) some Men marry women who are smarter than them

    B) some Men marry women who are dumber than them

    C) some Men marry women who are of the same intellect

    I geuss that about sums up the entire world right?

    And to your comment: LMAO - Thanks , You ask stupid questions you get stupid answers....I don't make the rules and i can't help it you can't handle the answers you get without trying to offend the people who answer them :-)


  10. i thought i was smarter than my husband but then i realized he has business smarts (i probably made that category up) i have book smarts and would kill him in math any day but he knows how to run a successful business with no formal training it just comes natural for him so maybe we are equals?  

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