
Are you smarter then a ten year old! f**k Is it just me or does anyone else want to slap them smarmy little...

by  |  earlier

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..... s***s???? Bet they dont even smoke or drink lambrini like other kids their age.




  1. They're not ten year olds. they're midgets from cambridge university.

  2. u dumb *** thats a good thing duh

    i can imagine how you look like and act

  3. bleedin' little know-alls.  They should be out, nicking cars and having s*x, like any normal kids their age

  4. i know right! they think they mad smart, but thats cause the show is like some planned out show. the kids already know the answers and they just act like they are smart.......guess wat? i am smarter than a lil 5th grader!

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