
Are you so cute that you can get a “yes” answer without even asking a clear question ?? ?

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Are you so cute that you can get a “yes” answer without even asking a clear question ?? ?




  1. I wish! lol I usually have to beg like a bum to get what I want!

  2. with guys... yes :P

    they cant say no to girls

  3. Unlikely.

  4. is that why people always put yes???? *gasp!!!*

  5. Depends on if I know they think I'm cute or not :}

  6. 100% of the time!

  7. Yes

  8. ha ha ha,not even close

  9. Apparently to the guy that sits behind me in some of my classes, yeah

  10. no =(

  11. No, YOU can't!

  12. hahah no, i think not.

    "may i have a-?"


    "i...i was just asking for a tissue!"

    or how about...

    "is that on sale? it was in the sale rack but doesnt have a sticker..."


    *i walk away*

    *cuter girl comes to register with same question*

    "maybe not, but since it was there i guess it is now!"

    lol, whatever! =D

  13. Um, I think it's more that whoever just wants me to stop trying to explain.

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