
Are you so positive and psyched about the new year that you'll forget all of your convictions and issues...

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Universal healthcare, social security, individual liberties, censorship, privacy, pharmaceutical companies, agriculture (our food), international relations, g*y marriage, freedom of choice, global warming, government spending, church and state separation, things like the ENRON scandal and FEMA. (feel free to add) These are things that are happening now, in the present, not just last year or the year before.

So get informed, spread your message and get out there and VOTE. It's the biggest way we can get involved. New Year's Day doesn't just reset these issues.

Thank you and Happy New Year.

Recommended reading:

Rolling Stone, Issue 1039 >> November 15, 2007 (The Fortieth Anniversary Issues VOL.3) There's some very interesting interviews in there. I'm still reading and digesting it.




  1. Everything must be good for 2008 with good projects for healthcare, freedom, social security and liberties.

  2. No wonder you're a top contributor, FRAGINAL! You express no opinion! Teach me your ways, master!

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