
Are you someone that's always characterized as angry or intimidating?

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I was born into a family with naturally angry-looking faces. Because of that, I constantly get pegged as someone who is angry or mean. People will tell me to lighten up when I'm in a great mood (total strangers who've never spoken to me before making the comment). People I know will get mad when I pay them a compliment because they assume it's going to be an insult. And a lot of people don't bother getting to know me or disregard my attempts to get to know them because they think I'm not a nice person.

I feel I should also say that I never insult anyone and have a great deal of compassion for others. People who know me well know that I would give the shirt off my back to a total stranger. I'm not saying I'm a saint. I can get angry, sad and frustrated as much as the next guy, but I make great attempts not to take it out on anyone.

Do you have the same problem? How do you deal with it?




  1. I'm not usually perceived as angry, but I am perceived as intimidating at times because my voice is fairly deep and resonant, and my method of speech is precise and to the point. (What's a man to do, my mother was an English teacher and I'm a Marine?!) Still, it winds up being little more than an amusing oddity as opposed to a real problem.

  2. Yeah, I have a big tattoo and sometimes I guess I look too serious, so people get a bit scared around me. I just act myself and don't care what they think. Sometimes, it works to my advantage because very few people want to start something with me for no reason.  

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