
Are you sorry you adopted?

by  |  earlier

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I know it sounds horrible, but if you could do it differently, would you?




  1. Nope. My son is the love of my life. No regrets. As a matter of fact, we are on a waiting list to adopt again.

    The only reason I could think of that someone would regret adopting is because they are a bad parent.  They did not raise the child right and are having problems and now they are blaming it on the child being adopted.

  2. Not in the least.

    My son is the light of my life. He is also a typical 7 year old boy: sometimes smartmouthed, sometimes naughty, and sometimes difficult. My sister has a 7 year old who is her biological child and he behaves the same way! Do I sometimes wish I had the night off from being a mom? You bet! Does it have anything to do with the fact that my son was adopted? Nope.

  3. yes, i'm sorry i was given up for adoption.

    oh, that wasn't your question, was it?

  4. Yes.

    I haven't actually adopted, I'm a long term/permanent foster parent, who'll most like have permanent parental custody of my children eventually.

    My life is blessed beyond anything I can describe to have my children in my life, and honestly, I can't imagine living without them now.

    BUT, for my children to be my children, they've had to suffer neglect, loss and pain.  That's not my doing, but in a perfect world my children wouldn't need to be with me.

    It's kind of bittersweet, knowing that for the joy you experience everyday you have your kids, they have to have suffered originally.

    That said, I'd never do anything differently.  The only thing I hope for is for my children to be happy and be able to live the life that's best for them, even if that means being away from me.

  5. It depends, If the child does not have any parents around, I would raise the child as mine but if one of the parents is around no. if you adpot your wife child is the worst thing you have done or the other way around.

    Because you will have problem with the parents. you want to raise her as yours but some how the question comes that you are not my father and have no right

  6. I have not, but I can understand the terrible feeling.

    Adoption is a wondeful experience if there is everything right. I am very glad that adoption exists, it is a great feeling and people have good intension. BUT only if they are good people and volunteer, not for greed . Some people for not able to produce own kids, adoption is good a nd wholesome experience.

  7. Absolutely NOT!

  8. I dont mean to be rude, but this question is crazy! I am an adoptee, not a package that can be returned, not something you have for 5 minutes then return. Adoption is in the best interests of the child not the APs. I always thaught that adoption was meant to be close to natural as possible, so would you ask a mother if she was sorry she had kids? I do think that mixed feelings would come with adopting a child but certainly no regrets. If they were any regrets then that person shouldnt have adopted in the first place. Adoption isnt a thing to take lightly and this is where PAPs should be educated and made aware of feelings that may be involved in the adoption process.

    More info=better adoptions all around.

  9. No, but I do wonder about people who adopt, especially overseas and from foster care, who may not be educated on special needs of the children...if maybe those people regreat adopting.  

    But for me nope, but then again my kids have only been here one week, and we are in honeymoon phase, but I cannot believe in 20 years I would regreat our decisin.

    Jennifer L.:  I am glad you did your research.  Someone at my work adopted a five year old from overseas and I am pretty sure the child has RAD.  I think the key in all adoption is to research research research and then respect!  


  10. I think there are times when Every Parent wonders what it might have been like if they had done something different...

    Parenting a child is a long day-in and day-out road and I think there are times in most parents lives when they are sorry they started a job that they can't quit with a 2-week notice...

    In the end when you sit at college graduation or the wedding or wait for the birth of a grandchild---you won't remember being Sorry you did it---just sorry it went by so fast.....

    and then if you are really crazy like I am you will go out and do it again....

  11. Sorry we adopted our daughters NO.

    I find your question interesting b/c i have asked this question myself.

    I stood over my first DD's grave and I wondered if i could change things.  If somehow i could make it so my first born daughter lived and erase this pain of loss that will never pass, would i take it?

    NO.  A thousand million times NO.  Losing our first daughter, lead us to adoption.  I could not imagine being a mother without my two DD's thru adoption.

  12. Well i have never adopted but when i was in highschool a few families in my town decided to adopt pre-teen teenage girls from Russia and a few of them ended up sending the girls back because they had behavioral problems so i guess in their case they were sorry. But my brother recently adopted and they are really happy and they love the kids.

  13. Not at all.  Thanks for asking.

    ETA: Opedial, we went through a lot of research, education and training before we adopted overseas.  We were prepared for much more "rough spots" than we actually encountered.  The transition has been smoother than I have any right to have expected, with two strong-willed, bright, inquisitive and very much "Say what's on their mind" children.

  14. I asked my mother who has adopted 3 boys of varying ages and back grounds and she says not a chance. She adopted 2 boys who were older and she said it was the most educational thing she could have done as a parent. She's also adopted a boy from overseas who has grown up with no parents. It was definately a learning curve to have to deal with a 10yr old with an attitude and language barrier.

  15. Sorry I adopted? NO!

    But there are some things I would have done differently. I wouldn't want anyother child, though.

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