
Are you standing at God's door?

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How close are you to meeting God due to life's obstacles? My dearest friend lost a daughter last year in a fire. My friend is standing at God's door. To me, to lose a child is the closest you can get without dying to be standing at God's door.




  1. Matthew 7:8

    For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

  2. My condolences to your friend and her family and to you too.

    I've been closer at times than I am now.  But if you were to listen to some people, you'd think that it was time to close the coffin on me.

  3. I feel so sad for her. Only one child I have lived until birth. I could not imagine life without her.

    My parents are also gone.

    That is the worst possible thing I could imagine.

    I believe you are right, she must be at the door.

  4. sorry for your friend's mighty loss. but i seriously do not understand the relation between 2 things. god's door ?  

  5. More like really bad luck, I'm sorry for your friend.  

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