
Are you still amazed that the Democrats chose Obama?

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When the Republicans have won the last 2 Presidential elections, they choose a guy so out of touch, someone VERY far on the left. Their nominee to be leader of the free world has never led anything in his life. In America, it's almost impossible to get a good job without experience, and here is Obama one step away from the most important job in not just America, but the whole world - without any experience. Amazing isn't it?

Wait until McCain blows him away in the debates.




  1. i want to see the debates too

    it will be great

  2. Empty rethoric.

  3. Bill Clinton won because he was a moderate Democrat.  Liberal Democrats do not do well in elections, because the majority of people in the country remain conservatives or least learn that way regardless of what Liberals might want to think.

  4. mccain has admitted

    and denied

    voting for bush

    he is not capable of blowing anybody away

  5. I'm not convinced yet that Obama will lose...BUT if he does, you can bet the DNC will spend months on its usual hand-wringing, recriminations, second-guessing and blame.  I think one of the first things they will do is change their primary delegate rules to be similar to the Republicans - "winner take all".  If they had those sensible rules in place, they would have picked the best nominee for their party this time:  Hillary Clinton.  Obama will also be blamed I think for not putting Hillary on the ticket with him.  

  6. He does have a certain pompous elitism that is favored by the party leadership.  That has been the favored trend of the party since the late 60s.  They try, but can never match the substance of JFK.  They misunderstand the reasons for his appeal.

    When you look at the only three Democrats who have won since then, all were southern democrats.  LBJ was VP under JFK, so he got a bit of a pass.  He was so bad of a president he didn't bother seeking re-election in 1968.

    After losses by Humphrey and McGovern the party looked south to a more down to earth guy in Carter.  His lack of ethics and poor understanding of human nature doomed his presidency.

    So in Mondale and Dukakis they returned to form and got their heads handed to them for their trouble.  In 1992 reeling from what essentially were 5 of 6 losses and 1 Pyrrhic victory the DNC was in total disarray.  Bill Clinton was a mistake, he accidentally got by their vetting process, yet he turned out to be their biggest success since Kennedy.

    In 2000 and 2004 they returned to form, and of course lost.  This election could be different, broken clock and all.  

  7. i am amazed he was chosen and that is why i am now voting for mccain. i too, can't wait to see the debates. mccain may not have the "hollywood" appeal, but he is experienced and intelligent and that is what counts.

  8. I thought putting the Beauty Queen on the ticket ended this whole experience debate.

    Gramps/MILF 08

  9. We're still whining about experience when the Republicans just put on their ticket someone who was mayor of a trailer park 2 years ago?

  10. I think they are gonna regret that decision soon enough.

  11. Far left?

    I think you need to take some political science classes, because there are NO far left democrats....Bernie Sanders is far left. Obama, Hillary and the lot are moderates

    So you should do your own research instead of repeating right wing propaganda, because all its doing is making you look uneducated

  12. For the first time in my life I am really really really proud of my country.

  13. No, not amazed. He's the perfect incarnation of their ideals & platform, no matter how wrong he is for the country.  

  14. No I have gotten over it and moved on to the Republican party.

  15. out of touch are you. Obama is more moderate and centrist. With McCain picking that Far Right Religious nut job Palin he has moved so far from Centerthat all the independants are moving to Obama

    Blow hIma way int he debates?? did you see his speech last night? He was barely coherent and definitely no fluid thought process - But he was a POW so if he wants to debate about being locked ina  cage for 5 years with Obama I'll bet he wins that. As for The Economy and things that ACTUALLY MATTER to me - Obama will mop the floor with him

  16. They blindly think that racism is dead in the USA.

  17. McCain cant blow enough to keep his own audience awake

    I am very proud of my candidate and the fact his audience reflect the way I see the world, which is not lily white, old and older.  

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