
Are you still an All Black fan after their recent effort at the World Cup?

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Are you still an All Black fan after their recent effort at the World Cup?




  1. Of Course...Come What May!

  2. Yes.

  3. I call myself a Kiwi...which means i still love the AB's!. They ARE the best in the world..with out  a doubt!.

  4. If due to the AB's losing at the RWC you change allegiance to another team, then you weren't a fan but a follower.

  5. without hesitation...... absolutely!

  6. A true fan supports his team no matter what.

    Can't stand posers who just jump on the bandwagon when a team is doing well, then slags them off and disowns them when they fail.

    The ABs are the most exciting team in the world to watch. I feel an inner sense of excitement that begins a week before kickoff.

    Every team has its share of disappointments. The ABs seem to have very few but when they are disappointing they are really disappointing.

    It just sucks that we have to wait until next May/June or something for the next test.

  7. The World Cup shouldn't be held above other achievements the All Blacks have make over the years.

    The World Cup is only a tournament held every four years, so between the next four years and now, there is so much more for them to achieve.

    So of cause I'll be supporting the All Blacks, until the very end...It's exciting, unpredictable, full of drama, speed, strength and great atmosphere, even if your watching it at an retirement home.

    I only wish the dam tickets stop selling out before I can get one.

    By the way, it was a great effort from the All Blacks and an exciting effect from the French.

    The referee did not loose the game for the All Blacks.....

    He Won the game for the

  8. Any reason why I shouldn't be?

  9. Yes Im still an All Black fan....who is rooting for the Springboks to do well in this WC...Does that make me less of a fan? no! "OR" A good sport? yes! because I enjoy the way the Boks have been playing in this tournament..and at the end of the day I am still a fan of Rugby.  Despite the AB's early exit from the WC, they are still the best Rugby team in the World.  My allegiance with them has not changed, and I'll always be an All Black fan =)

  10. All Blacks will bounce back whether or not south africa win the cup, the All Blacks will never fade into history and i have no doubt that they will be favourites again in 4 years time,

  11. Of course!!! Just because they mucked up in the WC like they usually do doesn't mean they still don't have the support they always did! They are after all still ranked 1st in the world!

  12. Why wouldnt we be. They are the best team in the world. The best team doesnt always win the World Cup but we have belted the living c**p out of every country both home and away in the last four years and will do so again in the next four years. Sure we dont have the world cup but we have everything else. Plenty of joy in the next four years for All Black supporters. Dont worry about that. And come 2011 watch out. We might be going into that tournament with an 8 year unbeaten run at home.

  13. Ahaha all that effort and nothing. Nz shouldn't wordship rugby so much, put some $$$ and effort into other sports too, ones where kids are gettin better at (like league),like a great depression in dis

    In da end they lost,sh*t happens...

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