
Are you still in bed? I am, i just cant be bothered to get up,so i am laid in bed on my laptop.?

by  |  earlier

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I need to get motivated.Anyone got any idea's to get me moving.




  1. Why are you laying on your lap top? And if you dont pull that top down then your going to get up faster than you think. I am behind you with the door open.

  2. mum u are so lucky i always get told by u to get out of bed in the mornings when can i have a lie in???

  3. Been up since 5am

  4. a brisk shower, be thankful you are alive and dont waste the day!

  5. I wish I was! My little boy wanted to get up at 4am this morning and have his breakfast. I managed to persuade him to go back to sleep for a couple of hours eventually. Lie-ins go out of the window when you have young kids! I'd stay put if I were you, but then I'm just jealous!

  6. Im sat at the computer, naked from the waist down ........

  7. I'm up, hubby worked a night shift and my son (no matter how many times he gets told not to) got home late last night and bolted the front door resulting in hubby banging on the door to get in at 7am this morning.  

    I hate sundays though, so boring.  If I were you, I'd stay in bed only to move for food and drink!

  8. Lucky you! the weather is awful today...but at some point you will need to make a meal?

  9. geddup!

    Weekend Sunrise is on

  10. Make the most of it.

    You won´t always have the opportunity to spend Sunday in bed.


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