
Are you still listening now gordon broon?

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gordon brown after one disaster poll after another promised to to listen to voters(no sign of it yet)sold the uk away without the promised referendum(why have a manifesto then to ignore it?)

thank GOD for the irish who put this (Maastricht treaty to bed where it belongs,brown(spin wise re hashed it as the (All new Lisbon treaty)no different to the original or labours previous antics,signing away our rebates on EU on an empty french promise they would look again at their outragous farming subsidies in 10yrs time/still refuses to cut taxes on petrol and everything else while he taxes the country to excess and gives billions away to foreign countries, i could not begin to address the bad deals this scottish lunatic has done for england as chancellor and now as unelected PM,the sooner he retires to spend more time with his family the better,,brown couldnt even be bothered to turn up to to sign it himself and sent a lackey to do it for him,brown you are a washout,washed up,not wanted go




  1. It's do as I say not as I do.  Let's lock him up without charge for ... 43 days.  Then charge him with being useless, inept and incompetent and lock him up some more.

  2. Is it time we had a revolution in England?  We haven't had one since the Glorious Revolution of 1688, and it shows!

    Since Devolution, the Union is all but dead and will surely be so in a year or two.  With its imminent demise, it is time to think of what may follow: then surely England could be re-born, re-shaped the way it should be, the way we want it to be!  

    Our politicians are elected to represent us, and our views!  Presently they do neither- though they do manage to take their salaries- and whatever else they can lay their hands on by way of perks and expenses!

    Smugly, they live cocooned in a comfortable world, created by themselves, for themselves, surrounded by a fawning media circus- ignoring the real needs and views of the populace they are supposed to represent!

    Gordon Brown is not responsible for all our problems it is true, but he is in the chair right now, and therefore cannot avoid some of the blame!  Does he listen to our problems?  No, he does not- but neither do the rest of that sad lot at Westminster!

    We were promised a referendum on the EU Constitution- but were denied it by New Labour when it became the Lisbon Treaty- on the spurious grounds that a treaty was not a constitution!  Over this, as so much else, Gordon Brown is not so much deaf as wrong-headed and determined to ignore the will of the people!

    Gordon Brown is set on hammering motorists in the UK!  He claims that each new tax and charge is made in the name of a Green Agenda!  What rubbish!  Unfortunately, not all of us enjoy the privilege of free government transport but have to pay our way in an increasingly difficult world!

    I could go on .... there's immigration ..... law and order ..... education ..... the list is becoming endless!  

    What's becoming increasingly evident is that Brown is all but  finished, New Labour is shot, Westminster's out of touch, and the EU nothing but a self-serving pain!

    Given all this, is it not time to start afresh, to think and make the world anew?  A small step would be to start with England!  Here surely, we could take our destiny in our own hands!  And why not?  Things could scarcely be worse if we started again!

  3. NO!

  4. Well said...and no I've never listened to Gordon Clown and his circus of a cabinet.

  5. its not just Brown. all three parties are steering us on to the same disastrous course. it just so happens that Brown is at the wheel at present. none of them are listening. look at that conservative con artist Davis, making a stand on the 42 day terror law because its taking away our rights. you'll notice he didn't make the same stand when the labour party refused a referendum on our whole country being handed to a foreign power against our wishes. if that's not taking away our rights, then i don't know what is?.....all three are selling us out. evil lying traitorous scum the lot of them. if we don't start thinking out side the three main parties at the next election, this country is finished.

  6. I hate gordon brown and his evil sicko homosexual Labour Party homsexuals theyre EVIL SICKOS they should be locked up.

  7. I just think that it all comes down to politicians thinking that the good old British public can't get a grasp of the Lisbon Agreement as it's too complicated for us to understand and that we should trust them. Well if I remembered aren't politicians voted by the people for the people and that they have a duty to listen to the public at large (especially on events like this) instead of being the arrogant, self centred public money grabbing for the second homes and family brigade people that they have now become, sorry I forgot we now aren't supposed to have a voice anymore, I might now get arrested and detained for 42 days without bring charged!

  8. NEver listened to this t**t - ever - oh! one exception - the 42 day detention thing - that's it.

    He is a c**p leader who should be shot at dawn for his treason

  9. I am not Listening to this Idiot. His pandering  constantly to Crisis Management, without foresight & thought, indicates his

    Inability to Govern this Nation, as PM.

    With no Charisma, he will certainly go down in History, as a

    Wasted Space..... An ineffectual  Fat Oaf, of a Blunderer !

    The sooner He is Ousted, from his Unelected position, The Better.

    All he seems to do is dish out ,indiscriminantely, Hard-earned Cash, from British Taxpayers , to Willy Nilly Foreign

    Countries. Without  due concern to  "Homefront  Priorities "

    Oliver Cromwell would have cut off his head for Less !

    PS  Be Careful Questioner, when I asked a similar question

    in Yahoo current events, I received a violation notice .

  10. Its  a pointless out of steam party devoid of  policy.

  11. This maastricht /Lisbon treaty may have as you say been defeated,

    but like buses there will be another one along in a minute,

    England/Britain still need a referendum on weather we want to be run by the German Sprout party or not,

    the Old f**t Know it all seems to think that we are a bunch of thickos that aren't intelligent enough to make such a big decision, well he may be right, but its our right to vote and if he prefers to be a European then so be it, there is plenty of room in Poland at the moment as 2 million of them are over here,Labour are on their way out but like a slug they will leave the slime of their mistakes for others to clean up.

  12. Roll on the next General Election and the country can send him and the rest of his Labour cronies to the political wastelands!

  13. The Irish also voted against the Nice treaty.  Then they sobered up, their leaders sent them back to have another go and they got the question right.  Why should anyone take any notice of what the Irish decide in a referendum?  They'll change their minds next week.

    Your knowledge of what the various treaties are all about shows why anything more complicated than celebrity phone-ins should never be put to a referendum in the UK.  If we ever do have to vote on Europe, perhaps we should have a few questions on bananas and British sausages first - get them wrong and your vote doesn't count.

  14. ah Geoff, bit harsh isnt it?

    He cant help being a greedy i'm alright jack, protect my pension but not yours, 1.30 a litre (no worry's I'll get the old expense account to pay for it)  need a new kitchen, taxpayer'll buy it for me, cost of living going up, i think I'll award myself a payrise old so-called socialist millionaire t**t.

  15. We seem to be heading for a communist state more like, the rich have all, at the expense of the poor, so work your hardest you're still only allowed to have so much of it, the rest is gobbled up by Gordon the Gopher.Perhaps we should all become MEPs and have a good life, not work and pensions paid for etc.

  16. I hope Gordie is the first person to test out the 42 days detention without charge.  Treason should definitely be covered by this new Act.

    Poetic justice indeed!

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