
Are you successful at selling at the flea market?

by Guest34102  |  earlier

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I am trying this for the third time. The first time I was successful but not the first time. I am trying to see around my cluttered home what should I take. I have tons of household deals but what about clothing? That doesn't seem to go so fast or not at all. What tips can you give me. My 10year old wants to help and give donations to the collection to go toward her Mom a 30th birthday party.




  1. Yes, I'm very successful at this.

    Be sure all your stuff is clean.  It's better if it's up on tables so it can be reached rather than on the ground.  I use folding tables and cover them with nice tablecloths.  I make sure stuff is clean and clearly priced before the sale.  Clothes are much easier to look at if they are hung up, you also want to be sure they are not crowded all jammed into each other.  Obviously clothes to be sold should be clean.  If you are going to sell shoes at all, they better be perfect and clean.  Don't put old, dirty or worn shoes out, they just devalue the appearance of everything else.

    Have things logically sorted and easily accessible.  Be sure to figure on parking and have LOTS of change.

    I usually recruit a friend to hang out and help me, but my yard sales are humongous as I'm a yard saler myself.

    Don't be afraid to say no to a ridiculous offer, but don't be afraid to bargain, it can be fun!  If someone is really rude (there's always at least one...sigh...) don't be shy about asking them to leave.

    Keep close tabs on any jewelry you may put out and use a f***y pack for money, not a purse or box.  If you do use a purse or box, don't put it down, even for a second.

    Earlier this week I saw an excellent article on yahoo about turning your clutter to cash that had lots of great advice.

  2. Have you ever thought of making beaded jewelry at the flea market? It always worked for me. If you find it hard to sell any of the stuff, you can get a table to make it look presentable.

    Hang up the clothes and make an outfit, Separate the belts by color and sizes, hang the baby clothes in a separate aisle and put the toys next to it on the floor, making sure the toys look clean and polished. Basically what I am trying to say to you  is to make a great presentation. People are spotters of presentation and decor all time.  

  3. Oh yeah, especially food. You can charge like 7 bucks for 5 big cookies, so if you bake some cookies that would be good. But you need a food license. Knick knacks and Jewelery sell fast. I do food at flea markets and my sister does jewelery.  

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