
Are you suffering from the economical problems that our country is facing?

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Such as losing your job , having to sell your house , exc...?




  1. I' m from southern Europe.

    The crisis in USA is reflecting to the all world. Stock markets go down. Unemployment, too. Money problems, credits, debts. Yes, all of that. Prices of oil, food,...

    Don't sell it now. Please, wait for about 2 years. In the future you'll get a better (realistic) price for it.

    It's time for buying not for selling. Wait for stability of prices.

  2. no, jus da high prices of stuff =(

  3. Lost job, been there, done that, many times.  The only local places still looking for workers are offering $6.50 to $7/hr, part time, no benefits - which hardly even pays for my $4/gallon gas after taxes come out of it.  Fortunately the house is paid for, but there's other bills always coming in...

  4. You live in America don't you?

  5. yeah. my dad lost his job, he also cannot sell two luxury homes he has had on the market for 7 years! my mom has to go back to work, our house is going up for sale. its bad

  6. yup, that's why I'm going back into the military, so won't have to pay rent, utilities or any more medical bills lol

  7. I've been struggling for years, so this recent nationwide development hasn't affected me too much, although the gas prices are getting high. I was actually able to BUY a house this spring, so that's good.

    I am worried about my job, though. I work at a flower shop, and that's definitely one of the first luxury items that people give up when the money gets tight. Our sales have been way down compared to a year ago. At least I am a valuable employee, since only the owner's wife knows how to do the main part of my job, and she's very lazy and doesn't want to work any more than necessary. I don't think that they'll let me go to cut costs, but I do worry that the whole shop is going to have to close.

  8. Yes.  My fiance lost his job and I have been acting as the breadwinner.  He has since found a part-time job but there are so many unemployed people in the area, finding a good job is like winning the lottery... possible, but very unlikely.  He is not being paid much.  I also may possibly lose my job due to downsizing.  The company across the street from where I work has recently laid off thousands.  I am ankle deep right now, and praying to God that I don't get knee deep.

    I am seriously contemplating moving from my apartment and going back to Mom's until the smoke clears.  She could use the help also.

    Edited:  I should also mention, the company where I work has also switched over to an extremely poor health plan.  Just my luck I have had some health issues this year and am deep in medical bills.  My savings is gone, I owe a lot in credit.  Our poor economy has been creeping up on me and I'm really starting to feel it's effects.

  9. everyone is....we all have to pay for the outrageously priced gas!

  10. Yes, I am, but it's not too terrible.

    My dad is getting less work and we're pinching pennies more than we did a year ago.

    My parents bought a house just when the prices dropped (so they got the house for cheaper) but it's still expensive, and I'm changing schools so they can save money.

  11. We cringe when we have to fill our pickup's gas tank, and have been trying to save up errands and do them all at the same time.  

    We saw this coming and planted a fairly big garden this spring, that's helping a lot with food costs.  Been trying to convince my husband to get a goat so we could have milk.  So far he seems to be against it.  

    Otherwise, no problems.  We're retired and own our place outright.

  12. No. I don't know what to do with all my money! Maybe I should buy a yacht.

  13. no i have an excess of money with nothing to buy, theres nothing good for sale right now

  14. Nope.

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