
Are you supersticious? And what are you supersticious about?

by Guest21176  |  earlier

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Are you supersticious? And what are you supersticious about?




  1. I totally Believe in what goes around comes around and Karma! I dont know if that is superstitious or not.

    I like having a certain seat during poker games and I always play the first hand no matter what.

    I have to route and holler when I am playing any game or am cheering on a team. It brings the morale (sp) up and makes everyone happy and the team or person usually does better.

    I think that if I think Bad thoughts it will make things bad but if I think positively everything will  be fine. I feel like I control my own actions. ex If I drank to much I can convince myself Im not drunk or if I am getting sick I can convince myself better. I once read somewhere our minds are like computers you have to tell it what to do.

  2. yes well sometimes. About everything. especially pennies.

  3. I believe that if I don't wear my autographed Tiki Barber hat and my dog isn't wearing his New York Giants bandanna during any Giants game they will lose , so far so good :)).

  4. A black cat crossing my path and dropping salt!

  5. im supersticous about cutting poles walking under ladders dropping salt lol hats on the bed and reading two diffrent horoscopes but for some reason i do it anyway. I hate reading to diffrent horoscopes becuase i heard that they both wont be true

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