
Are you supporting E-Day on the 27th & 28th February in the UK?

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I am really interested in the wildlife in this country and because of global warming etc, it is becoming apparent that this is phenomenon is upsetting the wildlife balance. To prove a point as to how much unnecessary energy that is wasted there is an energy saving day on the 27th & 28th of February.Everyone is asked to switch off all unecessary devices, and devices that are left on standby.

The RSPB are supporting this event, please see this link:




  1. I live a very simple life already.  I don't need E-Day or any other day to remind me not to waste natural resources.  Wouldn't be great if everyone did that in their daily life, not just on one particular day

  2. no, it's pure leftist propaganda and an excuse to levy more and higher taxes.

  3. Oh, definitely! I hope it gets through to some people. :)

  4. nope

  5. A very commendable exercise but I do my bit for the environment and my purse every day.  I already switch off everything not in use, including tv and computer.

    I also do my best to create a balanced environment in the garden.

  6. Ive never actually heatrd of that befor. but i probly will support it

    just one question though whys it called e day if its on two days??

  7. i saw a dead fox today?

  8. absolutely no way! people are starving in africa, woman are being forced into abortion, ethnic cleansing... the last thing we should be worrying about right now is global warming.

  9. HECk yea I love the environment....and ANIMALS... or else i wouldn't be a vegetarian... :)

  10. im certainly supporting it. it takes two seconds to turn off appliances which can make a big difference when added up!

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