
Are you supposed to keep your baby's Umbilical Chord after it falls off? What is your opinion?

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Wife and I are debating if we should keep it for scrapbooking purposes...




  1. if you wanna but that sounds gross my mom said it looked gross when mine fell off

  2. Yes

  3. I didn't keep my sons! I don't know why but I think its kinda sick!!! But I have friends who kept thier kids!!

  4. Do what you want, but I think it's gross.

    You have the belly button of your child to remind you of the umbilical cord.

  5. you dont have to. its a preference thing. i did cause she would only be a newborn once. its kinda gross but for memory purposes, it makes sense. my mom kept mine and my sisters adn she still has them. we're all 20-27 yrs old now  

  6. As a guy, that is some nasty ****.  Who cares to look at that in 20 years.

  7. some people do but that's up to u, but i think it's nasty but yet a wonderful memory of your blessed child.

  8. The umbilical cord is basically like a big scab when it falls off, keeping something like that is weird and gross.

  9. We didn't keep my daughter's, but its a personal preference.

  10. my partner was grossed out but i wanted to keep it so we comprimised. i get to keep it but it has to stay in a plastic bag and it goes into our memory box instead of the scrapbook...

    i couldnt give it up though, it was what connected him to me and fed him the whole time he developed inside me.

  11. I kept my childrens'.  I put each in a baggy, and taped it inside their baby books.  I don't really look at them much.  No one else looks at the books except my husband and me.   My kids haven't asked about it.  (They are 8, 6, and 4).  I guess I view it as my final physical connection to my children after giving birth.  Some think it is gross, but it is ultimately how you feel once it falls off.   Don't let all the "gross" comments dissuade you.   People certainly do more gross things.

  12. ewww, that's just gross to keep that ,I'm sorry but that's my opinion there are so many other ways of keeping memento! why a gross, nasty ,scabbed umbilical cord for keepsake???

  13. At first I was like ew!! no!! but then when it fell off I just couldn't part.  It's not kept in a book at the moment but in my remote control holder.  Disgusting but it's still around.

  14. We have our youngest sons in his baby box.

  15. some people keep them.

    i thought i would.  then as i was organizing his scrap book box i decided i no longer wanted to keep it.

    some people do though, it just didn't match the theme of my album :) or so i lightheartedly told people who asked why i didn't keep it. it's up to you.

  16. There is no "supposed to"... you can if you want but you certainly don't have to. I thought I would but once it came off I thought..... really it's just a bit of dead skin and it's not so exciting to look at. I kept the cord clamp instead.

  17. I debated for a day or so but then decided not to keep it. So we took a picture of it and put that in his scrapbook. To each their own!

  18. i kept my daughters i put it in a zip lock bag and put it in her baby book

  19. yES  

  20. My mom kept mine but I chose not to keep my daughters bc it gave me the heebie geebies!! Lol!! Plus when it fell off I never found it!...thank goodness!

  21. I think you should i keep my sons and but it in his baby book with a piece of plastic wrap over it I also kept the clip the have on it.

  22. There are scrapbook round button things that would be perfect for keeping it, but my husband and I didn't.  We couldn't imagine wanting to look at it... but It's a preference thing.

  23. i kept my daughters, shes 18 months old... and i think its fine. it depends on the person... etc.

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