
Are you supposed to make contact with the golf ball on the descent of your swing?

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Ive been playing golf for about 5 years and just read this. I always thought with irons you hit more on the upward part of your swing. Also, should I be lifting divots when I'm hitting with my irons on the fairway? Thanks!




  1. When you are teeing off with a driver, wood, or long iron, you will have the ball positioned in line with your left instep or heel. In this case, you will be making impact just after the apex of the swing to get maximum lift and distance.

    Your ball position from the 4-iron up to your wedge will move progressively towards the middle of your stance causing you to naturally hit down on the ball. Your club should hit down and through the ball and take the divot in front of the ball.

  2. The key to good ball striking is to hit the ball when the club is still in it's downward motion.  Always take divot with irons, the shorter the irons, the deeper the divots.  The divot should be after the ball, not behind the ball, which indicates that you're striking the ball first then the ground.

  3. You should be hitting it on the down ward part and u won't answer the second cause that is two questions in one. Yahoo! Admin!

  4. Here is a website that has a bunch of great golf tips that will help you out.  Here is the link  These tips will help you perfect your swing.

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