
Are you supposed to see a greyhounds' spine?

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My friend has a pet greyhound, and you can see his spine through his fur. I know you're supposed to see their ribs, but their spine???

He's 5-years-old, and he apparently doesn't eat much. He's from an animal shelter.

If you had any advice, that would be helpful.




  1. yes the points of the spine should show.

  2. It is common for a grey hound to have his/her spine showing.

    BUT has to have obvious meat on the body.

    When you pet or feel the dog does it feel bony through out the body???

    or like a normal dog with some meat content?

    If not then the dog may be underfeed may have worms,poor food quality etc...and needs to see a vet.

    If so then the dog is perfectly fine and should have nothing to worry about.

    Good Luck.


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