
Are you supposed to throw the jab flat footed?

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Are you supposed to throw the jab flat footed?




  1. No. Your toe pointing towards your opponent is the only one going to be flat on the canvas. The other leg, is up-on-the-toe to give you more Pivot, and Lean Into your Jab, Thus giving it more power. A "Flat-Foot" jab is about as effective as a slap. Hope this helped, Take Care.

  2. No , you always stay on your toes nomatter what.

  3. no your not supposed to do anything in boxing flatfooted

  4. nope there wont be nknow power so its usless always stay on your toes dance and let him run ito the punch and lean in your jab a little not all the way cuz then you leave youself open then your screwed

  5. definitely not. jab on ur toes

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