
Are you supposed to tip at sonic?

by  |  earlier

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I understand the logic in tipping if you get a meal w/ a tray (since they have to clean up after you), but what about just getting a drink?




  1. No, a tip should be earned.  Bringing food out to your car and making small change isn't tip worthy.  Save your tips for a waitress/waiter that really needs them.

  2. I'm not sure if you are supposed to, but I always do. I either give them all the change or a dollar though, even when I am just getting a drink. They always seem happy to see me. hrm.

  3. I have not seen anyone tip at fast food places since the early 1970's.

  4. I dont think so but um one day I went and was supposed to be given back like $2 and some change and the girl only gave me like the change back. Not my dollars! So I politely told her I was supposed to get back more than that and she said "Oh, I thought that was my tip."

  5. Not Necessarily

    Sonic waits on u but i never usually tip when i go there. Don't know why...

    hope i helped - kelse645

  6. No.  When they gave up rollerskates, they gave up tips.

  7. iam not even sure if you can.................maybe you can leave it in one of the charity things they have sometimes but you vannot give it to the cashier it might no even be allowed by the sonic company

  8. No, you throw that away yourself why give someone money if they did nothing to deserve it.

  9. I'm a sonic Carhop. You don't have to tip No. But yes it does get stressful when there is only one carhop working and your running back and forth inside and outside to get the orders out when your slammed. its nice.

  10. no, just like any fast food restaurant, tipping is not expected nor required

  11. I would say no. But I would ask one of them if it's ok. But I the answers no I think.

  12. I usually give them 1.00$ or 50cents, or you just tell them to keep the change. Its usually school kids working, so I would imagine that its basically their spending money and they do bring out alot of orders, so the change adds up. I think its a good measure to give them a tip, but it doesnt have to be alot as they are not filling your water glass or cleaning up a mess, this is just one persons opinion.

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