
Are you supposed to tip pizza guys?

by  |  earlier

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Cause i just ordered a pizza that was supposed to be 10 dollars but the total was 13. so obviously theyre already charging me for a delivery charge. So do i have to tip them too? Cause that will like really p**s me off.




  1. Yes you tip delivery drivers.  Some places offer free delivery, some do not.  Delivery service is just that a service that if you want you pay for.  If you want toppings on pizza you pay for that right.  Now, pizza was $10 plus delivery plus tax.  WHen the delivery person delivers a tip of $2+ was proper.  If you don't want to pay for delivery so you can avoid tipping.....order and pick-up the pizza.  With the price of gas today it will be costly, starting car, driving there, stopping car. Starting car, drive home, stop car;  not to mention time consuming. need to tip.  If you have issues take it up with business, not driver. The delivery drivers work to make tips and most do a great job.

  2. Yeah sometimes!

  3. yes because most use there own cars and gas is outrageous. not too much like a extra buck.

  4. I always throw in extra.  Also Sonic Car Hops depend on us for tips.  So I tip them as well.

  5. ya your supposed to leave like 4 dollars

  6. Of course you dont HAVE to.. but I figure you gotta pay to be lazy... I tip like a dollar per pizza how bad is that?

  7. Tips are always discretionary.  If the question is "is it customary to tip a delivery guy," then yes, it is customary.  They get nothing out of the delivery charge.  $2 a pie is my usual.

  8. I used to work at a pizza place. They get payed a little over minimum wage and they have to pay for their own gas. With the price of gas these days, I would definitely tip them.

  9. If they have done a good job or go out of the way then you should.  Just think about if you were doing that job how you would like to be treated by different customers and then think about how much of a tip they deserve.

  10. Tips are completely discretionary.

  11. they probably charged you tax.

    delivery charges go to the business not the driver

    Tip, them based on the speediness of the delivery, friendliness of the driver, and sure, it he's cute throw in a few extra bucks...

    generally speaking $3-5 is a decent tip but since all you ordered was a $10 pizza I'm sure they realized you're either a loner with no life or a poor person whose lazy and they'll forgive ou if you don't tip.

  12. only if they went the extra mile or you are feeling charitable.

  13. Yes, you definitely are supposed to tip them, at driver's ed we didnt tip the pizza guy and he left our classroom so incredibly pissed and slammed the door so hard it reverberated through the halls for like 30 seconds. i heard they have to pay for their own gas too... idk if that is true though.

  14. these guys work hard to get that pizza to you

    & the store gets the money  so tips are up to you if you want to give or not

    we always tip our driver.

  15. Its up to you. Most people do tip. As a pizza delivery driver I can tell you that most pizza places keep the delivery fee. The driver doesn't get it. I also have to pay for my own gas at $3.50 per gallon. Drivers live off their tips since the majority of their paycheck goes for gas. If nobody tipped there would be no pizza delivery.

  16. Not really.

    I usually just say "keep the change"

  17. yes

  18. noo way

    i only tip them if

    they had a hard time

    finding my house or

    if there cute

  19. Absolutely-  it's totally classless not to tip the delivery driver. The service charge being assigned by his or her restaurant does not go completely/if any to the driver in many cases.  These folks work hard to get your hot steaming pizza to you in a short time.  So at least give them 10% and prerferably more.

  20. I only tip to reward good service. It's not an automatic thing.

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