
Are you supposed to turn your TV and other electronics (computer, etc.), off during an electrical storm?

by  |  earlier

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Are you supposed to turn your TV and other electronics (computer, etc.), off during an electrical storm?




  1. Yes

  2. To answer, I'm not sure.

    I think you're in the wrong section.

  3. yes

  4. Only if they aren't adopted.  =)

    Seriously though, if they aren't surge protected, you should probably turn them off.

  5. YOu are actually suppposed to unpplug them in case of a power surge, but turning them off can not fry them quite as much.

  6. How on earth did you wind up in the adoption section of Yahoo Answers with this question?

    The question isn't even about people!!!

  7. Yes, though I think surge protectors help negate the reasoning behind it.

  8. Turning them off won't do any good whatsoever.  Unplug them.

  9. No. You UNPLUG them.  

    We had an electrical storm 2 years ago that caused some damage to virtually everything we had except for the computers that I unplugged.  Most was fixable, but really suffered for a week since the A/c was the major thing to fall prey to a short.

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