
Are you suprised that Mugabe is expected to be sworn in?

by Guest11058  |  earlier

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lolz!!! I know! That is the joke of the century;-)=))


The UN Security Council is expected to return to the issue of Zimbabwe in the coming days. However, diplomats say that because of resistance from South Africa, China and Russia, the council is unlikely to impose sanctions.

Somehow I dont blame them either- sanctions usually hurt the population rather than the criminals in charge.




  1. I have to argue with Nicolas - What is going on in Zimbabwe is not communism - not even close! There is no political agenda - just one greedy, megalomaniac who no one can get rid of. Where are all the hot heads with Glocks and Uzis when you need them?

    As for the Oath - what Oath will that be?

    I, Robert Mugabe, little despot that I am swear to become a bigger despot starting yesterday.

    It's not a surprise but it is a joke of the black humour variety.

  2. isn't that something...don't you wish someone would just go their and take care of that idiot. millions of Zimbabweans are starving now, even though it used to be the bread basket of southern Africa. how about one of the "Hamas for Hire" or Al Quaida guys to do him justice...

  3. You may be interested that I heard a prayer given before 1000 people at the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church(USA) that asked for a change in regime in Zimbabwe.  And although I know that church proclamations are not worth much in some cases, they also approved this:That the 218th General Assembly (2008) of the PC(USA) to do the following:

    “1.       Call upon the Southern African Development Community (SADC)[, the African Union] heads of state and government to

    a.       establish concrete measures for addressing the political, economic, and humanitarian crisis in Zimbabwe; [and t

    b.        vigorously advocate for free and fair elections in Zimbabwe[.] [;]

    “[c.      ensure that the will of the Zimbabwean people is respected.

    “2.       [Encourage] [Urge]the president and Congress of the United States to increase humanitarian aid to Zimbabwe and continue support for the Zimbabwean people via legislation[.] [, and to condemn the human rights abuses that have occurred in Zimbabwe].

    3.       Support the work of individual congregations, church governing bodies, and ecumenical groups within Zimbabwe as well as the Presbytery of Zimbabwe and The Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa.

    4.       [Call upon the members of the World Council of Churches and the World Alliance of Reformed Churches to call to awareness the situation in Zimbabwe and to] establish a Day of Prayer for the people of Zimbabwe.

    [5.      Direct the office of the General Assembly and the Presbyterian United Nations Office to communicate the concerns, prayers, and the work of the Presbyterian Church (USA) for justice in Zimbabwe to the United Nations.]”

    A few more voices...

  4. Sanctions ALWAYS hurt the people. The dictator's lifestyle is unaffected.

    The vote in Zimbabwe is always along tribal lines. Mugabe's tribe/party could run a cartoon character for president and, being the majority party, it would win.

  5. They don't use a Bible for the ceremony. They found an old bestseller: Marx's Das Kapital.

  6. No. Nothing is surpising with regards to Africa.

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