
Are you sure Interface Talent is legit??

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I filled out a little card yesturday(thursday) and they called me the next day and said they normally don't call people that early, but I got a good review and they wanted to set up an interview right away. But how did I get a good review-I only filled out a tiny card with basic info. They are calling me tomorrow morning to set a date for the interview-shoud I, or is it a waste of time/joke?!? And do I really have to pay for anything? If so, for what and how much?




  1. I worked for interface before as a call-center specialist for 3 months and yes its fake do not go they'll get money out of you everytime you go.... don't believe than learn that experience your self but its totally a scam they just want your money to open more interface to keep collecting money

  2. They shouldn't ask you for money if they are an agency, however Interface is NOT an agency, they are just a marketing company, they help you get noticed by a lot of really good agencies, my cousin worked with interface and she actually got a few calls from agents wanting to book her for several castings = )

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