
Are you sure that CNN is not liberally biased?

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Breaking headline news..."Poor planning by the RNC". How dare the Republicans plan their convention when a hurricane is about to hit. Does CNN not realize that the convention was planned months ago? It's not like the RNC was sitting around waiting for a disaster and then hurried to put together the convention. How can you not see that the media, with the exceptions of Fox News and Talk Radio, is liberally biased.




  1. no.

  2. MSNBC is liberally biased.

    CNN is democratically biased

    Fox is Conservative biased.

  3. That's why I don't watch CNN. I watch FOX.

    I've watched CNN once or twice before, and I changed the channel after five minutes. I can't take them at all.

    Oh, and how anyone can blame a human being or a group of human beings for a natural disaster is beyond me. If disasters were made by man, they'd be called synthetic disasters.

  4. Except for Lou Dobbs, CNN is in the tank.  

  5. I watch fox. It is not their fault if Obama will not come on and answer hard questions. They have asked. I think that it is bacause he can't answer questions without his teleprompter and ear piece. Obama the community organizer. How could he answer questions about how he will spend a $1,000,000.000,000.00 for social programs and not tax everyone" How will he answer questions about Bill Ayres, Tony Resco, Rev Wright, and many others? WIth Bill Oreilly asking. I think it is a good move he would be stuped to go on and be asked these questions that he can't answer without being disingenuous.

  6. No one disputes that CNN is biased....It just was more reluctant to be biased in Obama's favor. They preferred Hilary Clinton, and now are left appearing somewhat balanced between MSNBC (Obama's network) and Fox (McCain's).

  7. of course they are  

  8. sorry...ALL media is liberal biased.

  9. I agree, I watch FOX news. They show both sides.

    Some Democrats are silly to say the least.

  10. I'm certain that CNN is.  It's not good that Jon Stewart (the anchor of a fake news comedy show) exhibits more impartiality than the talking heads at CNN.

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