
Are you sure that I need an Ireland visa to go to dublin from london?

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If so how can I get a visa in five weeks? Can I get it from London ? I am not British by the way.




  1. Phone the Irish Embassy or Consulate nearest to you and explain your situation, and ask THEM. Here, people might mean to be helpful and with the best intentions in the world provide you advice, but if you go directly to organisation who can give you definitive answers, you will get your answer far more quickly.

  2. If you are from an EU country you do not need a Visa to travel anywhere in Europe.

    If you are from outside the EU Countries, go to your local Embassy in Dublin and they will sort you out with one.

    Click here for info on how to find your countrys embassy

  3. hi you

    if your a UK citizen you dont need a visa or passport only a form of id will do if your from the E.U you need a passport if your from the states your passport will do all over places need a visa

  4. you dont need a passport to fly or float from ireland - uk or vice versa. just some form of id if you are flying - nothing if you go by boat

  5. A visa? are you British?! You don't even need a passport. You can just take your driving license if you want. You definitely do not need a visa. If you're not British.. well that depends where you're from.

  6. Dublin is in the Republic of Ireland, the Republic is a separate country to the UK - if you are not an EU citizen & you are not on this list then you will probably need one:

    As you have a visa to visit the UK, if you want to visit part of the island you can access the six counties in Northern Ireland which are part of the United Kingdom.  

    These are the contact details for the Irish Embassy in London, give them a ring & find out if you require a visa and how to go about getting one:

  7. if you are not british then you probably do

    If you are europian you don't even need a passport to go to Ireland, just an ID

    Thats what alota europians use

    I use passport tho

    anyhoo...if your europian (part of the EU)

    then no visa

    if not yes!

    you can still go there on holiday...well i think you can...

    you just can't work!

  8. You do not leed a Visa for the lenght of time.

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