
Are you surprised by the amount of anti-Obama questions on this site?

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Are you surprised by the amount of anti-Obama questions on this site?




  1. Not anymore. Before the last congressional election, I was really concerned because there was so much liberal bashing and repetitious replays of the Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reily talking points. I thought that if this site was representative of the voters, the Dems may be in trouble.  But as it turns out they just seem to be a very vocal part of the Y!A community and not representative of the majority voters at all.

  2. No.

    There should be more.

    Obama's Racist Cult Followers need to be Educated.

    There's More to life than just Bigger Welfare Checks for Obama's Democrats.

  3. There is still 20 times more anti McCain than Obama so anytime there is a anti Obama it suprises me.

  4. No, because that's how Republicans and other kinds of conservatives operate. Force is all they know. They don't have to be insightful, just loud. They're so desperate, it's funny. They should pull themselves up by their bootstraps and stop whining! Also, the first reply I believe said "the internet favors Obama"....the whole internet! Awesome!

  5. NO, actually I think it's rather funny!  They are so desperate to get people to support McBush - that they make up lies about Obama, hoping that will change people's minds.  But what they don't realize is it only makes people more determined to support Obama!!

  6. I actually am pleasantly surprised, considering that the internet usually favors Obama.

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