
Are you surprised or disappointed by Henry's reappointment and what next for Deans?

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Are you surprised or disappointed by Henry's reappointment and what next for Deans?




  1. Yankiwi great answer I agree whole heartedly with your views on retaining the coach. I’m absolutely wrapped he got the job back. He’s the greatest!!!!! We only need look at the records of the past four years to confirm that.

    However, the fear you mentioned (I saw it too but only in the second half of the game) in the AB’s eyes in the second half of that quarterfinal was for the game official’s strange decisions, remember the AB’s were leading 13 – 3 at half time. The French had no penalties awarded against them in the second half, I’m sure if you watched the game you would have to agree that was due totally to referee and officials incompetence. I don’t think the AB’s choked and I’m quite sick of hearing that remark made against them. Yes they are the greatest team in the Universe and that is what terrifies the rest of the rugby world and why they do it much tougher than any other participating RWC team. ie – Pool draws, officials appointed for their games to name just a few. I believe in a few years time we will hear a lot more about the decisions made and the final outcome of the 2007 quarterfinal France v New Zealand ‘All Blacks’.

    The IRB needs looking into!!! I have a genuine concern not only for the AB’s but for impartiality for all participating teams.

  2. im happy graham henry was reappointed so what we lost the worldcup it aint his fault he didnt throw the forward pass or fail to give a penalty for the forward pass look at the mans record he has a good win to loss record and that has to count for something with hope the nzru will let him devolpoe our young players and will let him lead the team to the next world cup as i believe he is the man for the job of devoloping our young players and making new zealand rugby a force in the future

  3. Rugby is in the doldrums in NZ. If Henry was not retained the board members who so resolutely agreed with Henry and his pick em early & rest them policy would have had to go too.

    The board members are on big bikkies and don't want to lose their positions either, by retaining Henry it has resolved them of having to resign - they may think themselves clever but it does nothing for the game here.

    Rugby is really scraping the barrel I feel. They are introducing rules that have been blatantly poached from other sporting codes to popularise it. I see they have back tracked on having hands in the rucks and mauls - a very efficient method of continuing play - because the code they were going to copy that off, ki-o-rahi, kicked up a big stink and told the NZRFU that they may as well just go ahead and rename rugby as 'ki-o-rugby' instead of copying their rules in such a backhanded manner. Remember lifting is done in ki-o-rahi also, they don't have lineouts but do it in other aspects of play. Rugby had no compunction about adding lifting to spectacularise the game via lineout lifting!

    Professionalism has actually ruined our national interest in the game, and with it the morals of deceit and self interest have so openly been displayed by an inept board of rugby administrators who should have sacked Henry double quick I feel, and then have gone themselves. Rugby needs cleaning up and a new direction in NZ - it still stinks of the wink-wink, you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours old boys networks....another words self interest above the game.

    I agree with some others who posted here, Henry cannot take pressure for the really big games eg Lions Tour of Oz which they should have won & world cup 2007 match vs France.

  4. i hope Robbie deans comes to Australia they need a good coach  i like how no one ever blames Henry for any thing (must be aucklanders) he has not added any thing to the game (no extra trophy's in our cabinets).gave the boys alot  holidays  killed the crusaders for the year tell me why you take players out of there s14 teams and don't even use them  back to why its never Henry's fault who else do you blame the players he chose but its all good he stuffed super14 over last year nzrfu still losing money get used to it as a fan ive paid thousands to go  and see henrys  team lose  wont be doing that again not for the r&r all blacks  fitter ,stronger,faster more like slower, weaker,lazyer  tell me how you can leave no ones  on the bench  and have favoriates on the field  man justin marshall couldnt get on the field  under henry but runnin round the boks nzrfu needs a new board new coach new ideas not no ideas we made semis last time  ,quarters this time ,2011 maybe we can be knocked out in the round robin

  5. I think the reappointment of Graham Henry shows some maturity in NZ Rugby at last.     You just cannot keep on sacking the best coaches in the world because of 1-2 losses.    As for Deans I think he'll be man enough to take it on the chin, he'll go to to coaching the Crusaders for S14 08 and maybe, just maybe get the coaching job for Australia.    However; do all of you out there think Deans would make it as the coach of Australia considering the fact that the Oz players themselves have their own agenda's.     Would Deans get the repsect he deserves over there.

  6. As an Aussie on the outside looking in on this one, I'd have to say Henry's re-appointment was the right thing to do. He didn't choke, his players did.

    Trish, you can't blame the referee or the IRB for losing the France match! Yes, I agree there were some very dodgy decisions, but the AB's should have won that game regardless.

    As for the Wallabies performance, well I was simply so embarrassed that they could get rolled by the poms. If that's the hardest front 5 we could put on the paddock, I feel ashamed for my absolute disgrace and a national crisis IMO ;-)

    Worst bit for me was blowing all that cash to go to the 1st semi final thinking it was going to be another epic Aus vs NZ clash, but ending up watching the Eng vs Fra "kick-a-thon"!!

    Hope Deans gets the Wallabies job, we feckin' need him!!! (Maybe he can develop a decent front row for us)

    We'll swap you lot Eddie Jones AND John Connolly for Robbie Deans. Fair trade or what??? How about if we throw in a few pallets of Steiny and a new "chully bun" for each and every Kiwi, would that clinch the deal?? What if we threw in some new jandals?? C'mon this is a great deal!!!  OK, last offer - you can have David Campese and Matt Dunning as well............ ;-)) Can we shake on it??

  7. neither  im  so glad graham  henry got that job back

  8. I'm please. the team needs continuity  and they have that in "Graham Henry" (as the saying goes...... Better the Devil you know)

  9. quite surprised...... hmmm, just reading the sports page its only for 2yrs at the moment and I really dont see the point in that, we'll just have to see what the next 2yrs brings.... as for Deans well has Australia named their coach?.....

  10. Graham Henrys seems to be a very boring school teacher type, whilst Robbie Deans has the old school rugby charm......Whats the bet Henry got the job cause hes based in Auckland....Robbie will win wherever he goes, unfortunately Henrys a loser (at world cups). And his so called impressive victories are against 2nd or 3rd rated selected international teams. I wish Graham all the best tho...Hes got alot to prove.

  11. I am in fact Encouraged...!  A Brilliant Move..!

    I think sacking the coach every 4 years is MADNESS!!! No wonder the AB's Choke everytime they get to the Big Dance.!!  It's hard to perform anything well whilst simultaneously looking over your shoulder.

    The big teams that win across the world usually have some sort of CONTINUITY.  If they are asked to start from scratch with a New Coach and New Strategy/System Every time they Fail to bring it home, They Will Continue to Fail!

    I think that keeping GH as the AB"S coach with his winning record is a Positive/Smart Move, how can you call a guy who coached the AB's to 42 wins out of 48 games a looser??.  

    With him back the team will become more familiar with the system, and gain confidence in it as well as the coaching staff and soon they will have enough confidence that they will NOT CHOKE.   The AB's are after all the greatest rugby team in the known Universe, without YET proving it!!  

    Let's face it, New Zealand Athletes KNOW that the bulk of their fans are FAIR WEATHER FANS, and will be Calling for BLOOD as soon as they loose.   It is pathetic to watch.  I've gotten into arguments around the water cooler over the way people ditch their sport idols after a poor performance.  I especially have a problem with the way even after a win the AB's are treated as looser's because they did not win by a large enough margin.

    Stay With the AB's and show some support win or loose and our sport teams will GAIN confidence, not fearing a loss and the country's retribution every time they are faced with a final!!  No Wonder ALL our national teams can't hold it together at the final,, we are ALL responsible for the losses!

    I am from the States, but have been here 10 years and frustrated as any other Kiwi.   I supported my loosing States teams for many years, they didn't fire the coach after every loosing season, they gave them time to establish and prove themselves.   When they finally started to Win We All felt like We Earned It!  Most of the winning teams in my experience have a long history of stability in coaching philosophy/System.  With this stability they can start a winning dynasty.  A Dynasty cannot be created in 4 years, Please Wake Up and start allowing your WORLD CLASS TEAMS TO WIN!!!!  

    New Zealand is a very small country, that has been punching above their weight for so long the people here don't realize how great they really are.  New Zealand is Respected around the world, by countries with populations of Hundreds of Millions of people, who are shocked that we managed not to win the World Cup.

    I watched the world cup game and saw the fear in the AB's eyes, the game was lost on the field, Not by the coaches IMO.  I am still a bit confused by the coaches sitting up in the stands watching the game unfold, and not being on the field screaming at their players Coaching Them where and when they need it Most?   We have been waiting for another World Cup Victory for Decades, whats 10 years or so to establish a Confident Winning Team?  Starting From Scratch over and over is Insane!!

    Albert Einstein said it best when he defined Insanity as:

    "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".

  12. Very Surprised it's only two years..Though I guess this will complete Steve Hansons apprenticeship who will probably take over for the following two years - leading up too the world cup, if he is deemed suitable. Can't believe (if this is the case) that you have let both Deans and Gatland go...and you will be left with Steve Hanson in two years..time..But hey ho Steve is great...though I don't think Wales (who had Hanson) would swap him for Gatland.

    Deans will go to Australia I reckon.

  13. HENRY Cant take pressure and when the world cup is here we will be favourites as its at our home nation we will lose and everyone will blame henry again he doesnt desevre they need a fresh new face like robbie dean he has coached the crusaders for ages and since he has coached them they have either won the super 14 or came runner up thats better than henry all he can every do is make it to the quater finals and lose to the french when they bet the 3 times before the rugby world cup now deans could go to australia and take their coaching job and the all blacks will have to change all their moves.

    Since henry has losed the world cup for us kiwi's i have gone off him and the team every one is going over seas and we wont have any good players left because the media puts so much intesity on the team and player and they cant have a public life with out everyone rushing up to them or critizing them its stupid so they so to england or france or ireland and get payed double the amount they get payed to be an all black and they get a public life.

    The all blacks will be nothing and now henry is coaching again then it wouldn't suprise me if the all blacks dont even make it to the quater finals in 2007.! henry has ruined the team with the rotational policy also i dont now what he thinks he's doing!

    And the Selectors for the coachng job should be shot to reselect a coach that cant even make a semi when others make it to the finals and arent ever aloud to coach for the country again WHAT ARE THEY THINKING!!!!

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