
Are you surprised that the girl in Belgium is definitely NOT Maddy??

by Guest66623  |  earlier

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I am not at all!!!!




  1. Not surprised sadly

  2. no, sadly i think the dogs have told us what has happened to Madeleine, cadaver only comes from dead bodies, I just wish she could have the respect of a decent proper burial. God love her.

  3. I'm surprised that some people are still buying into this hype, for that is what it is! Mitchell spin nothing more. Sadly little Maddie is no more.

  4. Ultimately very disappointed for Madeleine and her family.

    Surprised? No I would not describe my emotion as that.

  5. poor little Maddy...

  6. No but it was wrong to keep the footage that they had on maddy when she was spotted on the cctv in a local petrol station.THAT'S WRONG...

    Could you imagine if then did and got there in time she would be with her mum and dad now(Well i don't think they would be aloud to have maddy back if they found her now,)

  7. Hardly! The poor child died in the apartment in Portugal, so its impossible for her to be sighted anywhere.

  8. No . Not one bit

  9. Nope. I wonder why....

  10. Not at's very unlikely that anyone who does have her, if she is alive, would parade her around the streets!

  11. I'm not surprised either, it looked nothing like her, her hair was blonder and i think she would have been taller if it had been her.

    This has been a farce from the word go, I'm sick of all the conspiracy theories that resurface every so often on yahoo answers.

    Maybe she is with another family, or god forbid peodophiles, that thought turns my stomach, or maybe the tapas 7 know a lot more than they are letting on.

    I dont think we'll ever really know, but i think and this is only my opinion that her father knows more than he is letting on.  If you look at him in interviews he looks like a man who knows more than he is letting on but her poor mother looks totally tortured by it all and god only knows how she is surviving this.

  12. No I am not surprised I have thought she was dead all along.

  13. Yes because there was a lot of similarity between the 2 girls.

  14. No, but we live in hope.

    Edit:  Someone is going to have to explain the "thumbs downs" to me.

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