
Are you taking online classes?

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How do you like them? i am considering them. I need the flexibility and have zero interest sitting in a classroom. Working in groups and being able to raise your hand as ask something means nothing to me. So how about those online classes??




  1. I take mostly online classes and I love them!!  I have a 2 yr old daughter and don't want to worry with a babysitter, so the flexibility is great.  

    You still have the deadlines and due dates that you would have in a regular class, but overall you can do your reading and homework whenever you want.  If you're someone who procrastinates though, or need someone hovering over you to get your job done, then they definitely aren't for you.  And, as far as asking questions goes, most of my teachers answer their e-mails in a timely manner.  Good luck!

  2. I am not taking online classes.

  3. Sorry, no.

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