
Are you thankful that the Book of Mormon has proven beyond doubt the invalidity of DNA as a scientific theory?

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  1. What?

    I'm not sure what you're talking about in the Book of Mormon, but I doubt it "disproves" DNA (whatever that means).

    Please read a science book and come back when your question's more coherent.

  2. I dont really understand the question.  The existence of DNA is not a theory its a fact- just get a high enought powered microscope and you can see it.

    The Book of Mormon doesnt try to disprove that or even talk about it.  It was written by people from 600 BC to 600 AD so they probably didnt have any clue about DNA.

  3. Surely your question is sarcastic, because the only thing the Book of Mormon Proves beyond a doubt is that Joseph Smith was an imaginative fraud.  DNA evidence has proven the Book of Mormon false.

  4. This being the science section, and me not being a Mormon, I'm not that interested in the Book of Mormon.

    But I am thankful for the huge investment Mormon universities and institutions have made into DNA mapping projects.  It seems to me that those who do read the Book of Mormon are extremely interested in the validity of studying DNA and helping us cure genetic diseases.

  5. I think you have it bass-ackwards.

    It's that the invalidity of DNA evidence in proving or disproving the Book of Mormon. There is, from what I understand, no way to check it out.

  6. Wheres the info on that site?? Just an "order here"

    Have you heard about the fraud with the book of Abraham??

    Plagerism at its finest....Have you seen this site.

  7. Agreeing with Zeep, Mormon universities, not only for the purposes of curing disease, but also for assistance in geneological research, have invested greatly in DNA research.  (Geneological research being a very important part of their way of life, and their libraries being an excellent resource, by the way).  I'm not a Mormon, nor do I share their religious beliefs (being a proud Atheist), but I wonder if the Questioner is a Mormon.  If so, where do you get your info.?  In addition to reading some Science and re-reading your Book of Mormon (maybe for some quotes?) try talking to some BYU researchers and see what they have to say about the existence of DNA.  Jeez!

  8. Lol.  The Book of Mormon doesn't disprove DNA theory, nor does DNA theory prove or disprove the Book of Mormon.

  9. Using DNA to prove or disprove the Book of Mormon is just bad science.  I refer you to the following article:

    Oh yes, the DNA argument can go both ways, because Hebrew DNA markers HAVE been found in native american popuations.  But as I said, and most Mormons will agree on, it's bad science to use DNA either way in this arguement.  Interesting how those that defend the Book of Mormon insist on not using bad science, but detractors have no problem with it.

  10. I don't see how the Book of Mormon could really prove anything.  Any book in the world could say Krusty the Klown is the Messiah and there are those who would believe it.  The author(s) of such a book would have to have tons of credibility to back up any claims that it made.  I've read the Book of Mormon and I don't know what you're talking about.  Perhaps you could provide where that information is so I can look it up?  

    p.s.  I'm not a Mormon, by the way.

  11. The Book of Mormon?? How is that proof for anything ? A book with no corroboration? Against the myriad of articles theses, treatises, and proven and reproducible data from all aspects of Science? What are YOU smoking ?  A belief is NOT proof  no matter how many times you speak in tongues to convice yourself. Open your eyes and maybe , just maybe you might actually learn something that could be useful for you.

  12. I think archaeology is proving beyond doubt the invalidity of the Book of Mormon.  

    Revelation from a hat with two rocks . . . sheesh.

  13. Since your question is invalid because it is based on a false premise, it deserves no serious attention.  Here is a serious question for those who may visit this site.

    Why is it that so very many people, so full of hate, are so very insistent on making so many negative comments about Mormons, every chance they get? Are they full of that same spirit that brought about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the murder of Joseph Smith?

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