
Are you the last Poet standing?

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They fill the auditorium to hear "Last Comedian Standing" Are we in the wrong field? lol

The Last Poet Standing

auditioners are queuing

lines to perform are long

trouble is no audience

maybe bribing is needed

there’s Data gal, Sonnet too

rapper Freeform jiving

converbing Dude verbing

even a Lola named Snidely

only QVC agreed to carry

the pilot episode

so sell your souls and then some spanx

cause getting heard…is harder now

unless your name is Homer!




  1. hehehe  brilliant idea... as well as sounding of truth... getting noteriety as a published poet has become an affair to be reckoned with...

    may i offer a few suggestions to help the readability of your verse...?  whether you left the title in all-capitals and the poem itself in all lowercase is a matter of artistic freedom.  no problems there.  ;)

    (as an example -  e.e. cummings dissected the presentations of his poems in some of the most wacky mannererisms imagined--quite inspirational, as he could pump out a "traditional"-looking sonnet and then the next page, revel in his classic, quirky style, both with dignity).

    some punctuation at the end of line breaks, my friend... to pause and take some lines as individual pieces, not merely a continuation right into the next line...  perhaps, this...?

    The Last Poet Standing

    auditioners are queuing,

    lines to perform are long,

    trouble is no audience,

    maybe bribing is needed.

    there’s Data gal, Sonnet too.

    rapper Freeform jiving,

    converbing Dude verbing,

    even a Lola named Snidely.

    only QVC agreed to carry

    the pilot episode,

    so sell your souls and then some spanx,

    'cause getting heard…is harder now,

    unless your name is Homer!

    ~~~~~  or this...?

    The Last Poet Standing

    auditioners are queuing.

    lines to perform are long.

    trouble is, no audience.

    maybe bribing is needed.

    there’s Data gal, Sonnet too.

    rapper Freeform jiving,

    converbing Dude verbing,

    even a Lola named Snidely.

    only QVC agreed to carry

    the pilot episode,

    so sell your souls and then some spanx,

    'cause getting heard…is harder now,

    unless your name is Homer!


    just a couple suggestions.  each one reads differently though.  the sentences with commas afford more 'flow', whilst the periods are 'sharper', more stately; each sentence becomes a solid, unwavering statement.  

    another trick is to try reading your poem aloud after writing it, to get a sense of how it sounds.  read it different ways, and decide which way "sounds" best to you, then add the punctuation to make it resemble what it should read like.

    (by the by, you also get points for knowing the obvious difference between "your-you're" that seemingly a majority of the public has forgotten from elementary school.  sad for them, good for you!  haha!)

    i enjoyed this!  huzzah to you!  :)

  2. I would'nt want to be one of the judges.Each poet brings such deverse material to the table.Daily I look forward to reading the works of such different and talented people.

  3. QVC mesmerizes me.  Good choice.

  4. Having witnessed the glazed looks and the change of subject moves made by those to whom I confess 'I sometimes write poetry' I doubt very, very much that you will be able to gather enough people to fill a phone box much less an auditorium.

    Lots of people do like writing poetry, I suppose, but they don't much like listening to other people's efforts.

    The group I belonged to, ended up with four of us....I didn't write  poetry then....I was the listener!!!!But, the original group of 20 people simple dropped out over a year. Then the group folded.Pity

  5. We are righting the wrong--with TD as our leader.

  6. How far would this issue get, if we took it to Congress!

    LoL, Neon, a good thought of what was Poet's face to face gatherings in the days of Bryon etc. I often wonder of

    lenghty travel in that era, as well where the money came from ,

    to do so. Change marches on with the times.

  7. yea, that's so true.  Fun poem about the hard truth about being a "poet".  Very creative and enjoyable.

  8. True, quite true.

    But, look at Terry Fator; a few months before appearing on national TV, he played in a room with one person in a seat .

    He has now personally resurrected ventriloquism from the dead. Granted, he has an amazing talent and great voice, but, he is not a supermodel...

    I am encouraged.

    I finally found a group in KC that meets fortnightly to critique poetry. I plan to wait quietly until the proper moment...

  9. I have written one poem of any consequence and have forgotten where I stashed it.  Is that funny enough?

  10. Perhaps, indeed we are in the wrong field...but there are times...when some of the answers to posted poems are

    downright hilarious!  You have a good thought here!

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