
Are you the one??????

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Are you the one that everyone at work comes to and says "I really hate to have to do this, but, I think we're going to have to get rid of our dog. Do you think you could take him/her or help me find someone who could?"

So far this month there have been 4 people ask me this!

A Weimeraner

A bully mix

A terrier mix (littermate of Molly...adopted the same day)

A Pom




  1. i'm a cashier at a grocery store. a tiny store. 5 registers. and i've tried to keep my rescue low key, but perfect strangers come through my line everyday and ask for help. but the help they want (most of them):

    "i have 4 puppies left from my mix a mutt litter, can you take them"?

    my answer: NO!! if you can't be responsible enough to spay your dog, you are responsible for the pups"!

    kills me because i KNOW they're likely to be dumped somewhere.

    but i already have 7 rescues i need to relocate, plus 6 of my own.  

  2. No, but then again I'm an OTR truck that'd explain that :)

    However, I am a sucker for homeless people, or hitchhikers, with dogs.  Being at truck stops you see a lot of it.  I'm hesitant to hand out money, but I'll always offer to buy the person a meal and share some of my dogs' food.  

    Once, I got to talking with a guy who'd spent his last $97 on a bus ticket from Texas to Georgia, so he could propose to his girlfriend.  She said NO.  And although she kept the ring he'd bought her some time earlier, she demanded he take back the puppy he'd also given her as a gift (she couldn't housebreak it).  

    So there he was, trying to hitch a ride at the truckstop in Douglas, GA, with this adorable little mutt pup.  He was 19 and it was clear he'd never been in this situation before.  Family back home was reluctant to send him any money for a bus ticket....I didn't ask too many questions.  But I bought him a hamburger and gave him a gallon Ziploc bag full of dog food.  (My dogs travel with me....I only had one dog at the time).  

    Got to talking to him about my volunteer work as a transporter for dog rescue and my previous experiences volunteering before I was a truck driver.  Told them I was waiting on a load but if I happened to be going to Texas I'd give them a ride.  

    Several hours later, he knocked on the door of my truck, holding his puppy and the dog food I'd given him.  Told me his grandma was sending him the bus ticket, but he couldn't take the dog, and could I possibly take her and find her a good home?  

    *sigh*.....An unhousebroken puppy, on a truck.  Joy.  But I couldn't see leaving her anywhere, and I knew I could use my rescue contacts to find her a good home.  So I took her.  Smart little thing, and funny looking....short and long.  Looked like GSD and Corgi, possibly.  She managed not to piddle everywhere (I crated her when I had to, and stopped a zillion times a day to let her out) home about 2 weeks later and promptly found her a very good home.  They named her Gidget and the last time I checked up on her they'd had her for a year and she was doing wonderfully :).  

  3. No way I would never do that I love dogs!

  4. Actually, surprisingly, I've taken the same dog under my wing TWICE now!!!!  But, right now I can't take any more animals, the landlord won't let me.

  5. No, that has never happened at work.

    On Epupz there have been a couple of Dobermanns advertised free or at ridiculously low prices which aggravated me. I emailed the people who placed the adverts with details of their nearest Dobermann rescue and strongly advised them to use it.

    If I can help a canine that needs it, I always will.

  6. Since I work at a groomers, we quite often get people asking us if we know anyone that wants their dog, or their BYB puppies.

    Usually the answer is no.

  7. No one at work has had to get rid of their dog, though I've helped one woman rehome her cat (for a good reason).

    People do tend to come to me to ask about problems with their dogs though.

  8. I'm more the one that people come to and ask "Do you know where I can get a good___(fill in breed)?

    I have research Clumber Spaniels, Goldens, NovaScotia Duck Tollers, PBGVs, Labs, etc.  I believe that people should be well matched to their pets and that that way the pets will have a forever home.

  9. Well... I don't work but my uncle has 2 dogs. The mother dog and and the pup. (now about 4 months old) He asks 'Do you want another dog?' He knows how much I loves dogs and all but my dad says no. Well anyways... the mother who is a mutt they 'rescued' when she was a pup... had 3 LITTERS! the pups were mutts. They got rid of the pups when they were 4 weeks old AND sold them at a FLEA MARKET! The pup they wanted to give us... They were planning on keeping it. Until they saw how much it chewed,and chewed, and chewed! *Duhh... It's a PUPPY* So they went to a flea market to try and get rid of it! GRRRR!!! They didn't get rid of it. They still have it! But they still want to get rid of it!

  10. idk it depends where you are....i obviously have the means to do it but where are you located?

  11. I am THE ONE. I have taken in numerous adult cats, several litters of kittens and a couple of dogs. Luckily my sister in law runs a cat rescue so a lot of them end up there. My brother took and bottle fed a litter of newborn kittens, my boss took a dog. So it's just temporary that I have these animals. Also most of these are strays that would be headed for the pound not owner surrenders.

  12. I get people offering me dogs every where I go.  Everytime I go to the bank, or store, someone is trying to give me another dog.  At my last house, people would just dump their dogs in our yard, like we wouldn't notice one more.  It is weird isn't it.

  13. dogs are not disposable....  that sort of stuff bugs me..


  14. no they know i can hardly take care of myself.  they ask if i know anyone that can take it.

  15. any spare animal and they come to me. i've been offered 2 dogs and 4 cats (the 4 cats were within 1 week). they all know i'm the biggest animal lover and have a hard time saying no!  

  16. Yes. But, mostly its more unusual then Dogs.

    And mostly by some of the girls/guys at my school that have gotten word of the "pet girl".

    So far ( these past 3 days of school ) I have had one girl ( who I didn't even know ) ask me if I could take her Peacock ( I mean seriously! Who owns a pet peacock? ) and then this one guy who is in my French Class asked if I could take his two year old Iguana and this pair of twins that are on my Volly Ball Team ( as of yesterday ) asked if I could take their two Roosters!

    But, I have been asked multiple times on Cats and Dogs.

    The last "can you take my dog please!" was about 3 months ago at the beginning of the summer and some chick at the dog park asked if I wanted a "cool new dog breed! He is a Jack-A-Poo ( for those of you who aren't familiar with BYB 'designer dogs' it is a Parsons Russell Terrier mixed with a Poodle ) He is CKC registered. He isn't *whispered* fixed. So he can make lots and lots of puppies with your pomeranian!!!!! ( I had Bella and Tuffy with me )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I calmly said "Uh sorry, Bella is spayed and Tuffy is a MALE dog. And besides, I dont take Poorly bred dogs from people. I only get MUTTS from shelters".

  17. :) Sort of.

    I have an adopted rabbit and a rat from someone who couldn't take them anymore!

    My new puppy came from a shelter, and I actually met the people that originally bought her at Petco-- they were there because they bought ANOTHER dog!!!!

  18. I would take one in, but never, ever, ever get rid of my baby girl Missee-Email me for a pic!

    That goes for anyone


      Moon Wolf

  19. I *am* the one they come to when they just don't understand what is going on with their dog...what should they do?

    They typically come to my mother and she relays to me. Of course, I'm all for adopting again, wanting to save a life...

    My mother doesn't agree. Oh well. Someday....

  20. Nope....mostly because I'm outspoken and make it very clear that I'm not interested in cleaning up people's messes.  

    If they would like to hire me for consultation, I would be happy to help them fix the problem themselves, but it's not my problem and I'm not going to fix it.

  21. I would just tell them to put an add in the paper u r not the animal shelter

  22. I'm actually the person that people come to for training, nutrition, adoption/getting a dog questions.  I guess I get the people that want to save their dog.

  23. Yes, been there.. done that.  It gets incredibly frustrating and it allows me to see a side of people I do not enjoy.

    "I don't have time to exercise him." = I'm lazy and put my own needs first

    "The kids aren't taking care of him." = I'm an idiot who thought my untrained/unsocialized children could do better with a dog than I did with them.

    "He - fill in the blank- got too big, sheds, is expensive, is dirty" = I'm an idiot who bought a cute puppy w/o thinking.

    "We're moving" = and I'm an idiot who is irresponsible for the lives in my care

    "We're being foreclosed on" = I'm an idiot who is too irresponsible to be financially stable- how can you expect me to be responsible for a dog too?

    Sorry.. sore subject.

  24. I work for myself from home, so l don't have anyone asking me.

    Although it's a good job l don't have anyone asking, or they'd get a speech about "why get a dog if your not prepared to look after it".

    Some people p*ss me off!
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